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Association of Indonesian Women in Multinational Marriages
(Perkumpulan Wanita Indonesia dalam Perkawinan Antar Bangsa)

Julie Masson at 0812-1054235
Anita Halliday 0812-9201916
Additional contact: Ries 0813-10191115, rwoodhouse@hotmail.com

c/o Dewi Hardy
Jl. Abdul Majid 10
Cipete Selatan, Jakarta Selatan 12410

Srikandi is an organization aimed as a support system and networking forum for Indonesian women married to or previously married to non Indonesians. Regular meetings are arranged for self improvement and to enhance family life

Those who are familiar with the wayang from the Mahabharata epic most likely recognize the name Srikandi. She was a very beautiful, popular wayang character, admired for her courage and loyalty to her family and her country. Her name was chosen as the name for a new organization founded for Indonesian women in multi-national marriages, officially and legally formed on October 10, 2000.

Srikandi is an Indonesian women's organization designed to provide a forum for networking, support, experience and information sharing for self improvement, and programs to enhance the family life of members. All Indonesian women who are married or were previously married to foreigners, regardless of their nationality, are cordially invited to join Srikandi's membership. Srikandi's activities revolve around focal issues that are of interest and concern to members, including legal matters and the raising of a multi-national family. Social, recreational, and spiritually uplifting activities are also planned for members. Activities are held at various venues. Members can get more information about the organization by attending Srikandi presentations and activities, or from our newsletter, Berita Srikandi. It is the hope of Srikandi's founders that members who need support and have inquiries regarding international, mixed marriages will receive guidance through these endeavors.

As a new organization, Srikandi is presently making long range plans. To strengthen our efforts, help is needed to spread the word about Srikandi. Although we are aware of the many challenges we are facing, we are optimistic that, with strong support from all members and the community at large, our goals will be realized. Prospective members are welcome to participate in our activities and familiarize themselves with our organization.

Srikandi was officially and legally established through the notary, Mrs. Agustina Junaedy, S.H. on 10 October 2000.

What can a member expect from Srikandi?

A member can expect friendship, support, information and creative activities from the organization. Information can be obtained through our newsletter, Berita Srikandi, as well as presentations provided at our meetings. Members who need support or have enquires regarding international mixed marriages will receive assistance from this organization.

What are the activities of Srikandi?

Srikandi's activities include a series of presentations that are of interest to our members such as legal issues or raising a multi-national family. A variety of activities encompassing religious, social, charitable and recreational themes are provided to the members. Activities are held at different locations.

How is Srikandi financed?

Financial support for Srikandi comes from the members through annual membership fees. Occasionally, Srikandi also holds fund raising activities. Donations or sponsorships are greatly appreciated. These contributions will enable Srikandi to better serve its members and the community at large. All funds collected go toward activities of the organization - including charity programs. Annual membership Rp 200.000 Renewal Rp 150.000.

The Structure of Srikandi

The organization is governed by a Board who are elected by members for a two year period at an annual meeting. The Board, consisting of two Co-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer are responsible for the members.

Program Coordinators take charge of each chosen program activity. Board members and Program Coordinators are volunteers who are dedicated to the success of the organization.

See also Aliansi Pelangi Antar Bangsa - Cooperative efforts between Srikandi, the Foreign Wives of Indonesians and DIANA, to change the Indonesian laws affecting mixed nationality couples.

Updated on May 16, 2015