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Visas and Documentation for Expats
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Recent Immigration Laws
April 2024 Update - Peraturan Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusai No. 11 Tahun 2024 tentang Perubahan Atas Peraturan menteri Hukum ... No. 22 Tahun 2023 tentant Visa dan Izin Tinggal - Indonesian
Peraturan Pemerintah RI Nomor 31 Tahun 2013 Tentang Peraturan Pelaksanaan Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2011 tentang Keimigrasian - Indonesian - English translation.
Peraturan Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Repblik Indonesia No. 22 Tahun 2023 tentang Visa dan Izin Tinggal - Indonesian
Download the 2011 Immigration law - in Bahasa Indonesia
Unofficial translation of Chapter V in English
PP 48/2021 - Immigration Law Revisions
The processes of obtaining proper documentation to live and work in Indonesia can seem like an endless maze of bureaucracy. New laws and regulations, lack of posted regulations, irregular application of existing regulations, vested interests and other matters complicate what one would hope could be a relatively smooth processing of paperwork for foreigners to live and work in Indonesia.
This review of the necessary documents should help to clarify some of the questions newcomers may have about the various documents required.
Passports for your family members are issued by a passport office from your own country. While your government may allow children to follow on their mother's passports, it is better to have separate passports for every family member, just in case separate travel is required.
In order to apply for an ITAS visa (semi-permanent stay permit) to Indonesia, your passport must be valid for:
- 12 months passport validity remaining to apply for a 6 months ITAS
- 18 months passport validity remaining to apply for a 12 months ITAS
- 30 months passport validity remaining to apply for a 24 months ITAS
If your passport is nearing expiration, we recommend
you renew it to the maximum time allowable before you begin procedures
to apply for an Indonesian work permit and visa. You do not want to have
your sponsoring office go through all the paperwork of getting your visa
and work permit, only to have to repeat the procedure after six months
because your passport has expired.
Full Passports
What do you do if you get a new passport, but your visa or IMK/MERP is still valid and stamped in your old passport?
Your ITAP & IMK/MERP continue to be valid until their expiry date regardless of passport expiring or if you have a new passport issued because it had no more blank pages. Each issuing government may handle the full passport issue differently. The relevant consular officials may just staple in additional passport pages.
One Expat Forum poster also said that his Immigration officer just took off the Permit pages from the his/her old passport and annexed them to the new passport.
Be sure to ALWAYS keep your old passport together with your new passport until all the relevants stamps are added to the new passport.
No charge for Immigration forms and folders
As per a Memorandum (Surat Edaran) signed on January 25th, 2013 by the Director General of Immigration, Bambang Irawan, SE, effective from February 4th 2013, the map (folder) including all immigration application forms (Paspor RI, Izin Tinggal, Izin Masuk Kembali,etc.) MUST be given FREE of charge by the immigration officers in all Immigration offices across the Indonesian archipelago.
The so called 'map' was charged for in the past, anything from a few thousand rupiah to up to IDR 25.000. Indonesian citizens and foreigners alike complained about this dubious charge. So, with the passing of the regulation in 2013, it is now officially forbidden for an Immigration officer to charge anything for the folder or the forms.
Download this letter and take it with you whenever you do immigration paperwork, to be sure you're not charged for forms and folders!
Working in Indonesia
RPTKA (Expatriate Placement Plan)
Updated Regulation - MenPer No. 10 - 2021 (March 2021)
RPTKA stands for Rencana Penempatan Tenaga Kerja Asing, or Expatriate Placement (Hiring) Plan. It's step one towards getting a work permit, and subsequently a working visa (Index 312) based on that work permit. The permits are usually for a one year period, but can be issued for a shorter period.
The Indonesian government has strict guidelines on what foreign expertise is required for the development of the country. These guidelines determine who can be issued work permits. See Employing Expatriates for government regulations and other info.
National, multinational or joint venture firms must submit a manpower plan to Kemenakertrans (Article 42 Manpower Act number 13 year 2003, detailing their annual foreign labor requirements. Foreigners can only get a limited stay visa/permit and an ITAS card if they already have been issued an eVisa recommendation (from the Manpower Department if the company is a domestic company; or from BKPM/Investment Board Department if the employing company is a foreign investment company, a so-called PMA company).
Typical documents required to obtain a RPTKA for a job position for expats:
- A letter detailing the reasons for hiring the expat and what specific positions the expat/s will hold
- RPTKA application form
- The company's Deed of Establishment, Ministerial Approval and adjustments
- The company's paid up capital must be at least Rp. 1,000,000,000
- The standard company documents: LOD, NPWP, TDP and SIUP (or IUT for a PT PMA)
- Company organization chart
- Letter of recommendation from a technical ministry (e.g. Education, Transportation, Oil 7 Gas, Mining) This is not needed for a trading or consulting company.
- One Indonesian counterpart employee per expat - not required for directors and commissioners or non-resident directors/commissioners
- An education and training plan for the Indonesian counterpart
- The Wajib Lapor Ketenagakerjaan (WLK), an annual report stating the numbers of expats and local employees
The Manpower Dept office at Jl. Gatot Subroto in Jakarta receives all applications online - such as RPTK & Notifcation (formerly called IMTA) Working permit, or Amendment of RPTK or Working Permit for review/processing by the Manpower Dept office. If a company applying has obtained an online queue number (barcode) after submitting the online application at the https://tka-online.kemnaker.go.id/ website. Each application will have to use the company's username, in which the date of the hardcopy application at the Manpower Dept office will be decided by the Authority. For Foreign Investment companies who only have a “Principal Permit” (Initial permit) and do not yet have a Permanent License “IUT” (Izin Usaha Tetap) for job titles other than Directors or Commissary, the Manpower Dept office will only grant the work authorization for less than 6 months (this clause is as per the Manpower Dept regulation “Permenakertrans No. 12, Tahun 2013 pasal 12 (C)). |
Notifcation (formerly called IMTA) - Izin Mempekerjakan Tenaga Kerja Asing - Work Permit
Company sponsorship is required in order for a foreigner who wants to work in Indonesia to be issued a work permit/visa. This sponsorship is required BEFORE a semi-permanent visa and work permit can be processed. In other words, foreigners wishing to work in Indonesia can NOT get a work permit without getting a JOB first.
Once the RPTKA has been granted by the government, then the company that hires the expat needs to apply for a Work Permit - Notifcation. This is the only legal authorization given to a company to employ a foreigner. If expats working in Indonesia are not holding an Work Permit, they are not working legally in Indonesia. After ensuring the necessary approvals are in place, a TA-01 is issued, and then a work permit, Izin Kerja Tenaga Asing (IKTA) is issued by the Manpower Ministry (Kementerian Tenaga Kerja or Kemenakertrans) after your arrival and the issuance of the ITAS card and have paid your annual DPKK.
If a company wants to employ foreigners, the company must submit the RPTKA (above) to the Manpower Department if the employing company is a domestic company or to the BKPM (Investment Coordinating Board if the company is a foreign investment company. In foreign investment/PMA companies, work permits for senior positions (such as Director held by foreigners are for three years and can be renewed just before expiration. (Note: Director's positions held by foreigners are only applicable for foreign investment/PMA companies). Other position slots in the RPTKA are only for one year and can be renewed annually, usually up to a fixed number of years.
Small Indonesian companies incorporated as a CV are not allowed to hire expats. So-called "medium-sized companies" are only allowed to hire two expats. In larger companies there is no limitation to the number of expats hired, as long as the ratio of 1 expat : 1 local expert as a counterpart is followed.
Step 1: RPTK (Expatriate Placement Plan)
The Expatriate Placement Plan for Assignee should be applied for at the Ministry of Manpower. It takes 7-10 working days to process this RPTK or 4 working days after the approved “Skype Expose”. The Skype “Expose Meeting” is held between a company representative and the Ministry of Manpower.
Step 2: Notification/Confirmation Letter on the Duration of Work Authorization
Upon the issuance of RPTK by the Ministry of Manpower, a Confirmation of the Duration of Work Authorization approval (request for Billing Code) should be applied for by the expatriate assignee. The confirmation letter will be issued by the Ministry of Manpower within 3-7 working days from the date of the request for the confirmation to the Ministry of Manpower.
Step 3: Payment of DPKK (Skill & Development Fund) Fee
Upon the issuance of the confirmation letter by the Ministry of Manpower, within 3 days the DPKK fee should be paid as per the confirmation letter. Companies employing foreigners are charged USD 100 per month (USD 1,200 per year) per expatriate employee to offset the costs of training Indonesian nationals.
Step 4: Upload proof of the DPKK Payment and your Notifcation (formerly called IMTA) will be issued online
Step 5: E-Visa
Step 6: Upon entry into Indonesia, the E-Itas & IMK/MERP - Visa and Multiple Exit/Re-entry Permit will be applied at the local Immigration office in the area where the expat will be living.
Step 7: STM - Resort Police Report
Step 8. SKTT - Residence/Domicile Permit
Step 9: Laporan Keberadaan TKA (Lapada) issued by the Local Manpower Department - This document attests to the presence in Indonesia of the foreign worker according to the RPTKA plan.
For additional information, see Employing Expatriates in Indonesia.
The following documents must be presented by the employing company in order to apply for the Work Permit:
- Proof of an education diploma that is related to the qualifications required for the work position the expat will hold
- A certificate of competence or work experience of at least five years in a position relevant to the position
- A statement from the expat agreeing to transfer his/her knowledge to a designated Indonesian counterpart
- A copy of the employment agreement of the Indonesian colleague
- A Taxpayer Identification card (NPWP), if the expat is working longer than six months
- An insurance policy issued by an insurance company incorporated in Indonesia
- A National Social Security policy, if working in Indonesia longer than six months
- Receipt for the DKP-TKA payment (US$1,200 a year)
- The RPTKA approval (see above)
- A copy of the expat's passport, showing he/she is 25 years or older and not older than 55 (for oil and gas) and 60 (for teachers)
- Two color photographs 4×6 cm size
- A letter of recommendation from a technical Ministry (if applicable)
- Directors and the commissioners don’t need to fulfil the first four requirements listed above
Visas for English-teaching positions require that the recipient must be a citizen of the US, UK, Australia, New Zealand, or Canada.
Relevant Regulation:
UU no.13 , year 2003 (Manpower Law)
Article 42
(1) Every employer that employs foreign worker is under an obligation to obtain written permission from the Manpower Department .
(2) An employer who is an individual person is prohibited from employing a foreign worker.
Article 185
(1) Every person who violates what is stipulated under subsection (1) and subsection (2) of Article 42, Article 68, subsection (2) of article 69, Article 80, Article 82, subsection (1) of Article 90, Article 139, Article 143, and subsection (4) and subsection (7) of Article 160 shall be subjected to a criminal sanction in jail for a minimum of 1 (one) year and a maximum of 4 (four) years and/or a fine of a minimum of Rp100,000,000 (one hundred million rupiah) and a maximum of Rp400,000,000 (four hundred million rupiah).
Visa for Remote Workers
These are the new regulations, as of August 2023 - PerMen no.22 Year 2023 Article 63:
(1) Limited Stay Visa (1 year) -Application for foreign remote workers (working for a company based outside Indonesia), apply by attaching:
a. A 6 months minimum valid passport;
b. proof of Immigration Guarantee;
c. proof of having living expenses for himself/herself and/or for his/her family while in Indonesia;
d. recent color photograph; and
e. other documents to explain the aims/objectives.
(2) Evidence of Immigration Guarantee as referred to in paragraph (1) letter B is in the form of proof of income worth at least US$60,000 per year.
(3) Other documents as referred to in paragraph (1) letter e in the form of proof of an [employment contract(s) with company outside Indonesia.
(4) The amount of living expenses is to be determined by the Immigration's Director General.
Moving to new employer
Your new employer will have to get a new foreigner's work authorization from the Manpower Department to hire you.
Menper Ketenagakerjaan No. 8 Th 2021: Article 5 (not an official translation)
(1) Employers can employ foreign worker who is already employed by other employer but only in the following positions :
a. Directors or Commissioners;
b. In the Vocational Education and Vocational Training sector;
c. In the digital economy sector; or
d. In the oil and gas sector for cooperation contracts .
(2) For a employer to employ the foreigner as referred to in paragraph (1) above , each employer must have the ratification of the RPTKA.
(3) Each employer as referred to in paragraph (2) above submits an application for an online ratification of the RPTKA to the Director General or Director after the foreign worker received approval from the first employer.
(4) The end of the period to employ the foreign worker for the application for ratification of the RPTKA as referred to in paragraph (3) above have to be up to the end of the period stated in the ratification of the first employer's RPTKA.
DPKK - Dana Pengembangan Keahlian dan Keterampilan - Skill & Development Fund Fee
Companies employing foreigners are charged $100/month (US$ 1,200/year per expatriate employee to offset the costs of training Indonesian nationals. This tax is administered through the Manpower Ministry. Proof of payment of the Skill & Development Fund fee to the BNI '46 bank for one year in advance, amounting to US$1,200 (non refundable) is needed before a Work Permit can be approved.
For positions other than Directors, a foreigner's expertise must be proven, as government regulations limit the employment of foreigners in Indonesia to 'experts'; which can contribute to the national development. Due to the high unemployment rate of nationals, it must be proven that the expertise of a foreigner cannot actually be supplied by a national instead.
Manpower plans are only approved for one year. When a company's manpower plan is approved, a certain number of slots for positions held by foreigners are approved by Kemenakertrans. If a firm wants to add another foreigner to its staff, they must go back to Kemenakertrans and revise their manpower plan and wait several months for approval. It is not always easy for a firm in Indonesia to hire a foreigner and involves considerable expense and dealing with bureaucracy.
Deportation of foreigners for abusing their work permits is not uncommon. The usual offense is that the person is working in a position other than what is allowed by the work permit. If your work permit says you are the Production Director ... and your business card says you are the Managing Director - those are grounds for deportation due to abuse of work permit. Another problem is caused when the declared address of work on the Notification differs from your actual work location. If it does not match, this could void the Notification and put the employee at risk of a deportation. BEWARE and be cautious about what you put on your business card - make sure it agrees with your work permit!
One common misconception is that the Notification belongs to the expatriate employee; actually they are issued to the company, NOT to the foreign worker. If a foreign worker loses his job, he is not entitled to work for any other company without processing a new Notification, even if the previous Notification still has validity. This very common misconception leads expats to think that they have a work permit - they don’t - the company has it!
A work permit issued for a foreigner does NOT entitle their spouse to work as well. A “dependent spouse” must obtain their own sponsor and work permit in order to work in Indonesia. This can be done, but depends on the demand for their expertise. Many working spouses find the transition difficult as they are used to working. There are, however, many opportunities for worthwhile and meaningful involvements in community and educational organizations and opportunities for everyone to hone new skills during their time in Indonesia.
If you want to keep your ITAP active, you must pay the DPKK.
For more information, see the Manpower Act of 2003.
Working in Indonesia without a Work Permit Notifcation (formerly IMTA)
Recently passed Immigration laws provide for more severe sanctions than earlier laws if a foreign citizen is caught working without proper visa and work permit. Don't risk five years in jail, get the proper documents before you start working in Indonesia! The wording of the new regulation:
Indonesian government regulations require that foreign workers to have a minimum of 5 years of specifically work experience. If offered a job in Indonesia, be sure the employer has provided a Work Permit & Work Visa, otherwise you would be working in an illegal situation with penalties of up to 5 years in jail and a fine of up to Rp 500 million.
Relevant regulations:
UU Job Creation Law No 6 2023 that changes Manpower Law UU no.13, Year 2003 Article 185
(1) Every person who violates what is stipulated under subsection (2) of Article 42 ... shall be subjected to a criminal sanction in jail for a minimum of 1 (one) year and a maximum of 4 (four) years and/or a fine of a minimum of Rp 100,000,000 (one hundred million rupiah) and a maximum of Rp400,000,000 (four hundred million rupiah).
UU no 6 2021 related Manpower Law Law No. 6 - year 2011 - Article 122
Shall be punished with imprisonment of up to five (5) years and fined at most Rp 500.000.000, 00 (five hundred million rupiah): a. any foreigner who deliberately misuse or engage in activities not in accordance with the intent and purpose of the Visa/Stay Permit given to him/her;
b. any person who ordered or provide opportunity for the foreigner to misuse or engage in activities inconsistent with intent or purpose of the Visa/Stay Permit given to him/her.
PerMen No.10 Year 2018,
Article 5:
A foreign worker must:
a. have education diploma that is related to the qualifications required for the work position;
b. have a competency certificate or have work experience of at least 5 years related to the qualifications required for the work position;
c. transfer his/her expertise to a designated Indonesian worker;
d. have an Indonesian Tax Registration Number if to work for more than 6 months; and
e. have Work Visa/e-ITAS issued by the Indonesian Immigration Department .
UU No. 6, Year 2011, Article 75:
(1) immigration officers have the authority to apply Administrative Measures on foreigners conducting dangerous actions and reasonably suspected to endanger security and public order or not respecting/not obeying laws and regulations.
(2) Administrative Measures Immigration as referred to in paragraph (1) can be:
a. inclusion in the list of prevention or deterrence (black list);
b. restrictions, changes, or cancellation of residence permit;
c. prohibition to be in one or a few specific places in the Territory of Indonesia;
d. requirement to reside in a particular place in Indonesia Region;
e. imposition of the burden of costs and / or
f. Deportation from the Territory of Indonesia.
UU No. 6, Year 2011, Article 122:
Shall be punished with imprisonment of up to five years and fined a maximum of Rp. 500.000.000:
a. any foreigner who deliberately misuse or engage in activities not in accordance with the intent and purpose his/her the Visa/Stay Permit/ITAS/KITAS ;
Article 123:
Shall be punished with imprisonment of five years and fined a maximum of Rp. 500.000.000,000:
a. any person who knowingly gives a letter or false or falsified data or untrue statement with intent of obtaining Visas or Stay Permit/e-ITAS for himself/herself or others;
b. any foreigner who deliberately use the Visa or Stay Permit/e-ITAS as referred to in letter a to enter and / or stay in Indonesia.
UU No. 13, Year 2003
Chapter VIII - Employment of Foreign Workers, Article 42
(1) Every employer that employs foreign worker is obligated to obtain written permission from the Minister (Work Permit folowed by Work Visa/ITAS/e-ITAS) .
(2) An employer who is an individual person is prohibited from employing a foreign worker.
Article 185
(1) Every person who violates what is stipulated under subsection (1) and subsection (2) of Article 42, Article 68, subsection (2) of article 69, Article 80, Article 82, subsection (1) of Article 90, Article 139, Article 143, and subsection (4) and subsection (7) of Article 160 shall be subjected to a criminal sanction in jail for a minimum of 1 (one) year and a maximum of 4 (four) years and/or a fine of a minimum of Rp100,000,000 (one hundred million rupiah) and a maximum of Rp400,000,000 (four hundred million rupiah).
The Indonesian government takes these offenses very seriously and if caught you will be detained until the fines can be paid.
Visas for Accompanying Family Members
Dependent members of the family (spouse/children) must wait until the index 312 visa has been issued for the working spouse before the company can apply for visas for the accompanying household members (index 317).
The order of paperwork application/issuance for those visas is:
Visa/KITAS/KITAP are now available for parents sponsored by adult son or daughter.
Article 33 (unofficial translation)
(2) Limited Stay Visa...can be given for the following activities:
h. family unification, which consists of:
- father and/or mother joining the biological adult son or daughter (minimum 21 y.o.) who is a citizen of Indonesia;
- father or mother joining biological adult son or daughter holding KITAS or KITAP.
Indonesian Visas
Updated Regulation on Indonesian Visas No. 26/2020 - September 29, 2020
To read the Indonesian government's description of the various visas, see Consular and Visa Services on the Foreign Ministry website.
Official Immigration and Visa Fees
Visa Fees (effective April 2022)
(Fees are subject to change - see the current fees on the immigration website.
Visit Visas:
- Visa on Arrival (VOA) 1 month - Rp 500,000 (US$50)
- VOA extension - Rp 500,000 (single entry) Rp 1.5 million
- Visa Kunjungan (Social/Cultural, Business) valid for 60 days: Rp 2 million
- Visa Kunjungan (Social/Cultural, Business) valid for 180 days: Rp 6 million
- ITK Visit Stay Permit (Tourism) single visit - 60 days - Rp 2 million
- 30 day Visa Kunjungan extension - Rp 500,000
- 60 day Visa Kunjungan extension - Rp 750,000
- Visa Kunjungan Beberapa kali Perjalanan (SosBud 12 months): USD 150
- Single Visit visa/business visa extension: Rp. 750,000 per extension, 30 days.Temporary Stay - Visa Tinggal Terbatas (ITAS):
- 1 year: Rp. 3 million
- 1 year Visit Visa multiple entries - Rp. 3 million
- 2 years: Rp. 2,000,000
- one year renewal Rp. 1,500,000Permanent Stay: Visa Tinggal Tetap (ITAP):
If you think you may qualify or be interested in an ITAP status someday, you might want to save all the documents you receive from the immigration office/s throughout the years, as they will help you to prepare your application.ITAP-related expenses have been passed with PP No. 45/2016 and PP No. 28/2019 and its attachment listing the fees. These are the costs for ITAP:
- Non electronic ITAP valid for 5 years (ITAP non elektronik dengan masa berlaku 5 tahun): Rp 5,000,000
- Electronic ITAP (E-ITAP) valid for 5 years (ITAP Elektronik (E-ITAP) dengan masa berlaku 5 tahun): Rp 3,700,000
(Which kind you get - of the above two options - depends on what is available at the Immigration Office in your area.)- Extension of non electronic ITAP for unlimited period (Perpanjangan ITAP non Elektronik untuk jangka waktu yang tidak terbatas): Rp 10,000,000 (for first extension for unlimited period)
- Extension of electronic ITAP (E-ITAP) for unlimited period (Perpanjangan ITAP Elektronik (E-ITAP) untuk jangka waktu yang tidak terbatas): Rp 10,200,000
- Replacement of 5 year non electronic ITAP that is still valid due to damage/loss (Penggantian ITAP Non Elektronik masa berlaku 5 tahun karena rusak/ hilang dan masih berlaku): Rp 1,500,000
- Replacement of 5 year electronic ITAP (E-ITAP) that is still valid due to damage/loss (Penggantian ITAP Elektronik (E-ITAP) masa berlaku 5 tahun karena rusak/ hilang dan masih berlaku): Rp 1,700,000
- Replacement of non electronic ITAP with unlimited validity due to damage/loss (Penggantian ITAP Non Elektronik untuk jangka waktu yang tidak terbatas karena rusak/ hilang): Rp 3,000,000
- Replacement of electronic ITAP (E-ITAP) with unlimited validity due to damage/loss (Penggantian ITAP Elektronik (E-ITAP) untuk jangka waktu yang tidak terbatas karena rusak/ hilang): Rp 3,200,000
According to the Immigration Law Pasal 59 ayat (2): Holders of ITAP with unlimited validity are obliged to report to the Immigration Office every 5 years and will not be charged when they report. So normally you will have to make only 2 payments for ITAP, i.e. Rp 3,000,000 (non electronic) or 3,200,000 (E-ITAP) and the cost of extension, i.e. 10,000,000 (non electronic) or 10,200,000 (E-ITAP).
Second Home Visas
- Temporary Stay Visa "Second Home" Rp 3 million
- Temporary Stay Visa "Second Home" for dependents (husband/wife/children/parents) : Rp 2 million- 5 years KITAS "Second Home" : Rp 12 million
- 5 years KITAP "Second Home" : Rp 15 million
- Time Unlimited KITAP "Second Home" : Rp 30 million- 5 years KITAS "Second Home" for dependents (husband/wife/children/parents) : Rp 3.5 million
- 5 years KITAP "Second Home" for dependents (husband/wife/children/parents) : Rp 5 million
- Time Unlimited KITAP "Second Home" for dependents (husband/wife/children/parents) : Rp 15 million- 5 years Re-Entry Permit "Second Home" : Rp 6 million
- 5 years Re-Entry Permit "Second Home" for dependents (husband/wife/children/parents) : Rp 1.5 million
Payment of fees is made through a bank at the KanIm office, or through ATM. Bring your receipt when you process your paperwork.
If you keep all your papers in order and are up to date with all necessary document renewals and taxes/fees, and follow the proper procedures, then the posted price is what you will pay if you do the paperwork yourself (in person).
Service companies may charge you in between 3 to 10 times the official fees to cover their services. Considering the hassle of dealing with a new bureaucracy in a foreign language, this fee may be worth it. Long-timers who speak fluent Bahasa Indonesia may be able to (and choose to) handle the bureaucracy themselves.
The Indonesian government is encouraging visa applicants to utilize its online visa application process to apply for all visas (except for VOA & index 212-Multiple entry Business visa, which are still closed). Apply at evisa.imigrasi.go.id There is a limit of 600 applications accepted each day. So if the quota is fulfilled the first day you try, try again the next day.
One caution is to be sure you have ALL of the documents you need when you make the application. We've received feedback from others that trying to submit additional documents after the first submission was problematic with the online interface.
Previously, the immigrant office would issue a "Telex Approval" of your visa and you had to go to an Indonesian embassy to get a sticker put in your passport reflecting the approval. With the change in procedures due to COVID, the Directorate General Immigration is now issuing an "e-Visa" instead. The eVisa will be emailed to you or your sponsor. Once your visa has been granted, you can travel to Indonesia.
Approximate processing time for online visa applications is 5-7 days. For more info, download 5 Things you Must Know about eVISA Indonesia.
If you have questions about the visa application, you MAY be able to reach the immigration office through these channels
Chat function on the Immigration website
Ditjen Imigrasi - Facebook
DitJen Imigrasi (@ditjen_imigrasi) - Twitter
Direktorat Jenderal Imigrasi (@ditjen_imigrasi) - Instagram
Email visa@imigrasi.go.id
VITAS - Temporary Stay Permit Visa (Visa Izin Tinggal Terbatas)
Once the eVisa has been approved, the VITAS must be applied for, for the working spouse and his dependent family, at the Indonesian Immigration office in the intended city of residence. Upon approval, the Indonesian Immigration office will issue the eVisa.
This eVisa permits your entry into Indonesia. Within 30 days of your arrival in Indonesia, you and your dependent family members must go to the Immigration office to report your arrival "lapor diri" and complete the necessary paperwork. Failure to do this will constitute a violation of your status, a legal hassle that can only be overcome through a visit to the courts and will incur large fines. So don't delay your initial trip to the Immigration office to report your arrival. At the immigration office, you will be called to take a full set of fingerprints and to sign various documents and provide at least four 2 x 3 cm color photographs.
Note - the V stands for Visa ...!
To summarize the VBS:
- A VBS is a temporary stay permit issued before the ITAS or Resident’s Permit.
- The VBS is stamped in the foreigner's passport by Immigration on arrival.
- Within 30 days after your arrival you need to request the conversion of your visa in the actual Temporary Stay Permit (eITAS - formerly KITAS) through an Online Stay Permit Application.
ITAS/ITAS or Temporary Stay Permit
ITAS = Izin Tinggal Terbatas (Temporary Stay Permit). This is the immigration status/permit by itself. It is materialized by the stamp that the immigration offices stamps into your passport every year.
KITAS = Kartu Izin Tinggal Terbatas (Temporary Stay Permit Card). This is the yellow card that Imigrasi gave previously before the Ecards were issued.
E-ITAS - Electronic Izin Tinggal Terbatas
ITAS can be issued for a variety of reasons:
- for foreign investors (PMA owner)
- for foreign professional or expert - most of the expats have this kind of ITAS. They theoretically have skills that Indonesians don't have. Thus they are called tenaga ahli/experts.
- for foreign researchers who come for research, usually with an agreement of an Indonesian university
- for dependant foreign spouse/children (under 18 y.o.)*, sponsored by a foreigner, holder of an ITAS himself/herself or being an Indonesian citizen
- for religious clerics (foreign priests/imam, etc.)
- for retired foreign citizens
- for former Indonesian citizens, returning to Indonesia in the framework of repatriation to get back their citizenship.
- for foreign spouses of Indonesian citizens
When all the paperwork on your e-visa is done, you will be issued a Limited Stay Permit - Izin Tinggal Terbatas, better known as an ITAS card for the working expatriate and each dependent for a one year period. The ITAS is the residency permit card which is issued by a KanIM in Indonesia, based on the e-ITAS Visa.
Documents which may be requested when you apply for an ITAS for working foreigners:
- Photocopy of RPTKA and Notification (2x each)
- Fill out the three forms obtained at the immigration office
- Surat permohonan (sponsor letter) (2x)*
- Photocopy of the KTP of the sponsor (2x)
- Photocopy of *all* pages of the passport (2x) and original
- Photocopy of ITAS (2x) and original
- When receiving the new ITAS, paying the fee of Rp. 800,000 for which you will get a receipt. This is actually the only official fee to be paid. When I was asked to pay additional “administrative fees”, I always asked for a receipt, and if there was none, I did not pay and that did work very well.
- You may also be asked to pay Rp 55,000 for the photos/fingerprints.
ITAS Applications are now made Izin-tinggal-online feature on the immigration department's website, but you still need to go to the immigration office to make the payment and get the stamp in your passport. Instead of the plastic card, you print out the ITAS yourself.
You can upload needed documents through the website. If document upload errors occur, first make sure your document doesn't exceed the maximum allowable size. If that doesn't work, screen capture the page that shows the error and contact your immigration office to report the issue.
*Note: ALL types of ITAS and ITAP require a sponsor for the application, except for the Investor ITAS/ITAP. You will be asked for proof of financial solvency to sponsor - proof that you have Rp100 million in your bank account/s (or Rp 200 million for a company sponsor) - but it does not mention whether this proof has to be from the sponsor or from the foreigner. The bank account/s can be in either spouse's name and can be held overseas, or in an Indonesian bank.
Do-it-yourself guide for ITAS renewal for children
*Students with Parents: The Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Directorate General of Immigration in early 2017 implemented a regulation which states that students turning 17 years old within the current school year must obtain their ITAS through their school’s sponsorship. Such students will no longer be eligible for a ITAS sponsored by their parents or their parent’s employer.
Diaspora Visa
This visa category was introduced in 2023 and is intended for former Indonesian citizens who want to live long term in Indonesia. A Diaspora Visa can be immediately granted for 5 or 10 year and provides a residence permit. Diaspora Visa applications can be submitted via evisa.imigration.go.id.
See KMILN info on the KEMLU website. For this visa, returning Indonesian citizens need to apply for a 1 year Limited Stay C318 visa.
A Diaspora Visa is applied for without a guarantor. Application requirements include:
- Passport with a minimum validity period of 12 months
- Proof of living expenses
- Color photograph
- Statement of commitment which must be submitted within 90 (ninety) days of arrival, in the form of purchasing a minimum of US$35,000 of : Indonesian Government bonds , shares/mutual funds in public companies in Indonesia, or savings/deposits;
5- documents that prove he/she was once an Indonesian citizen, including identity card, birth certificate, family card, Indonesian passport, diploma or certificate.
These visas do not require a sponsor and are divided into several types:
1. ex-Indonesian citizen (1 year or 5 years KITAS without sponsor; 2 years with sponsor)
2. Descendants of ex-Indonesian of at most second degree. (5 years or 10 years KITAS without sponsor)
Here are the relevant regulations - PerMen no. 22 Year 2023
Article 51
(1) Application for a limited stay visa for ex-Indonesian...who will stay 2 years is submitted by a Foreigner or Sponsor by attaching:
a. A valid passport of minimum 6 (six) months;
b. proof of guarantee from the Sponsor;
c. proof of having living expenses;
d. recent color photograph; and
e. other documents to explain the aims/objectives.
(2) Other documents as intended in paragraph (1) letter e which proves that the foreigner once was Indonesian citizen, consisting of:
a. identity card;
b. family card;
c. birth certificate;
d. Passport;
e. certificate; or
f. land ownership certificate.
(3) Provisions regarding the amount of living costs as follows referred to in paragraph (1) letter c is to be determined by the Director General.
Article 52
(1) Application for a limited stay visa for ex-Indonesian...which will remain without Sponsor for a maximum of 1 year is submitted by the foreigner...attaching:
a. A valid passport of minimum 6 months;
b. proof of Immigration Guarantee;
c. proof of having living expenses;
d. recent color photograph; and
e. other documents to explain the aims/objectives.
(2) Proof of Immigration Guarantee as referred to in paragraph (1) letter b consists of: statement of commitment to buy at least US$15,000 of : Indonesian government bonds, or mutual funds of public companies in Indonesia, or mutual funds of public companies in Indonesia. This must be fulfilled within a maximum period of 90 days from the date the Limited Stay Permit is granted.
(3) Other documents as intended in paragraph (1) letter e which proves that the foreigner once was Indonesian citizens, consisting of:
a. identity card;
b. family card;
c. birth certificate;
d. Passport;
e. certificate; or
f. land ownership certificate.
(4) Provisions regarding the amount of living costs as follows referred to in paragraph (1) letter c is to be determined by the Director General.
Article 54
(1) Application for a limited stay visa for ex-Indonesian...which will remain the most 5 years without a Sponsor is submitted by...attaching:
a. A valid passport of minimum 6 months;
b. proof of Immigration Guarantee;
c. proof of having living expenses;
d. recent color photograph; and
e. other documents to explain the aims/objectives.
(2) Proof of Immigration Guarantee as referred to in paragraph (1) letter b consists of: statement of commitment to buy at least US$35,000 of: Indonesian government bonds, or mutual funds of public companies in Indonesia, or mutual funds of public companies in Indonesia.
This must be fulfilled within a maximum period of 90 days from the date the Limited Stay Permit is granted.
(3) Other required documents:
Proof that the foreigner is ex-Indonesian , consisting of:
a. identity card;
b. family card;
c. birth certificate;
d. Passport;
e. certificate; or
f. land ownership certificate.
(4) Provisions regarding the amount of living costs as follows referred to in paragraph (1) letter c is to be determined by the Director General.
Article 53
(1) Application for a limited stay visa for descendants of ex-Indonesian of at most second degree...which will last no longer than 5 years without a Sponsor submitted by...attaching:
a. A valid passport of minimum 6 months;
b. proof of Immigration Guarantee;
c. proof of having living expenses;
d. recent color photograph; and
e. other documents to explain the aims/objectives.
(2) Proof of Immigration Guarantee as referred to in paragraph (1) letter b consists of: statement of commitment to buy at least US$50,000 of: Indonesian government bonds, or mutual funds of public companies in Indonesia, or mutual funds of public companies in Indonesia.
This must be fulfilled within a maximum period of 90 days from the date the Limited Stay Permit is granted.
(3) Other required documents:
Proof that the foreigner is descendants of ex-Indonesian of at most second degree, consisting of:
a. birth certificate;
b. family card; or
c. marriage book or marriage certificate issued by the ministry or authorized institution.
(4) Provisions regarding the amount of living costs as follows referred to in paragraph (1) letter c is to be determined by the Director General.
Article 55
(1) Application for a limited stay visa for descendants of ex-Indonesian of at most second degree...which will last no longer than 10 years without a Sponsor is submitted by...attaching:
a. A valid passport of minimum 6 (six) months;
b. proof of Immigration Guarantee;
c. proof of having living expenses;
d. recent color photograph; and
e. other documents to explain the aims/objectives.
(2) Proof of Immigration Guarantee as referred to in paragraph (1) letter b consists of: statement of commitment to buy at least US$100,000 of: Indonesian government bonds, or mutual funds of public companies in Indonesia, or mutual funds of public companies in Indonesia. This must be fulfilled within a maximum period of 90 days from the date the Limited Stay Permit is granted.
(3) Other required documents:
Proof that the foreigner is descendants of ex-Indonesian of at most second degree, consisting of:
a. identity card;
b. family card;
c. birth certificate;
d. Passport;
e. certificate; or
f. land ownership certificate.
(4) Provisions regarding the amount of living costs as follows referred to in paragraph (1) letter c is to be determined by the Director General
SITAS - Electronic Limited Stay Permit
In an attempt to simplify and streamline procedures at the Immigration office, ITAS Applications are now made online, but you still need to go to the immigration office to make the payment and get the stamp in your passport. Recent changes in regulation have resulted in the ITAS now no longer always being given in the form of a card. Instead of the plastic card, you print out the ITAS yourself.
- Go to imigrasi.go.id and choose the Layanan Izin Tinggal Online icon on Online Services menu under the Public Services drop down menu. After you fill in the application, enter your passport number and VITAS authorization number in the box provided.
- After submitting your application, you will receive an email from the immigration office with your application number, name and passport number. Just print the notification email and report to the immigration office within 30 days of your date of arrival for your interview, data verification, and biometric photograph and fingerprints.
- Show your notification email to the officer at the reception desk to get a queue number.
- Bring your passport to get the ITAS online registration stamp and make the payment for your ITAS, re-entry permit, and a fee for the IT management system.
- You will receive another notification email with the ITAS approval letter and ITAS (limited stay permit card) attachments, and you can print your ITAS out yourself.
- The Immigration office can also provide an electronic or non-electronic ITAS for you.
You still need to go to the immigration office to: be interviewed, verify your data, complete your biometric recording, show your original passport, make the payment, and get the visa stamp in your passport, but the previous procedure has been
Download the infographic to learn more - SITAS Procedure
For more information, visit the Immigration website
ITAP - Permanent Stay Permit/Card
The ITAP (formerly KITAP when card was issued) is a permanent stay permit for foreigners living in Indonesia and is valid for five years. at the first renewal, you can apply for subsequent life-long extension. You will still need to report back to immigration every two years to renew your IMK/MERP, and every five years to review the status of your sponsor.
Relevant regulation on reporting:
PerMen No. 29 Year 2021 (16 August 2021) Paragraph 6 - KITAP Reporting:
Article 144
(1) Foreigners holding KITAP with a term of indefinite period of time must report once every 5 (five) years to the regional head of the immigration office and free of charge.
(2) The report mentioned above is done presenting an aplication and:
a. the valid passport ,
b. the KITAP
Article 146
(1) Reporting is completed through the following stages:
c. interview and collection of biometric data in the form of photo and fingerprint;
g. stamping the time unlimited ITAP reporting ...(peneraan cap pelaporan Izin Tinggal Tetap dengan jangka waktu tidak terbatas). If your KITAP lists an expiration date - that reflects the date to report.
ITAP = Izin Tinggal Tetap (Permanent Stay Permit). This is the immigration status/permit by itself. It is evident by the stamp that the immigration office stamps into your passport. (Kartu Izin Tinggal Terbatas - Permanent Stay Permit Card - this was the card that immigration issued after the ITAP was granted.
There is no "direct to ITAP" option, all ITAP applicants must be holders of a ITAS visa first.
With the ITAP you will also be charged for a 2 year IMK/MERP, the official cost of which is Rp. 1,750,000.
Once you have been issued the ITAP, you will be able to get a five-year driver's license, and open bank accounts, credit cards and loans in Indonesia.
Who can apply for an ITAP?
Indonesian Law is, in fact, quite clear. But as in many cases in Indonesia, this is more a problem of getting the right text of law with all of its amendments to clearly understand who can apply for to an ITAP. Once you get the right context, everything becomes very clear and the only remaining difficulty is to explain the law to the ones who are supposed to know it: the Immigration officials. Once you get past the lower echelons, things are much smoother, because at the higher levels (i.e., KanWil or DitJen), they know the law regarding ITAP issuance.
ITAP can be issued to:
- Expatriate spouses of Indonesian citizens (after you have been married for 2 years and after holding a ITAS for 3 years in a row). If you have been married more than 10 years, the ITAP is valid for life, even if the expat/indonesian couple divorces.
- Foreign investors or primary shareholder of PT / PMA companies. If the job title is only at a Manager level, not as a Director or Commissary of the company, then that foreign employee is not qualified to apply for an ITAP.
- High ranking employees of Indonesian companies (usually director or commissioner)
- Retirees (age 55 or older)
- Former Indonesian citizens who want to reclaim their Indonesian nationality
Concerning ITAP, here are the two main articles of Law No. 6 of 2011 on Immigration that govern this stay permit:
1. Pasal 54 / Article 54
(1) Izin Tinggal Tetap dapat diberikan kepada:
a. Orang Asing pemegang Izin Tinggal terbatas sebagai rohaniwan, pekerja, investor, dan lanjut usia;
b. keluarga karena perkawinan campuran;
c. suami, istri, dan/atau anak dari Orang Asing pemegang Izin Tinggal Tetap; dan
d. Orang Asing eks warga negara Indonesia dan eks subjek anak berkewarganegaraan ganda Republik Indonesia.
- A Permanent Residence Permit may be given to:
- a foreign national who holds a Temporary Residence Permit as a religious cleric/missionary, expatriate worker, investor, or retiree;
- a member of a mixed marriage family;
- the husband, wife, and/or child of a foreign national who holds a Permanent Residence Permit; and
- a foreign national who is a former Indonesian citizen or held dual citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia and another country.
2. Pasal 60 / Article 60
(1) Izin Tinggal Tetap bagi pemohon sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 54 ayat (1) huruf a diberikan setelah pemohon tinggal menetap selama 3 (tiga) tahun berturut-turut dan menandatangani Pernyataan Integrasi kepada Pemerintah Republik Indonesia.
For an applicant as intended in Article 54 paragraph (1) letter a, the Permanent Residence Permit is issued after the applicant has stayed for 3 (three) years consecutively and signed a Statement of Integration to the Government of the Republic of Indonesia.
Basically, Article 60 means that an ITAS can be transformed to an ITAP and that this transformation of status can be given after a demand of the foreigner with the condition that he/she has already stayed a minimum of three full successive years in Indonesia since the date that his/her ITAS has been issued.
This is the article of law which lists the category of ITAS holder that could be entitled to be issued an ITAP. They are:
- investors
- rare foreign experts
- top foreign manager of a company
- foreign churchmen with religious duties
- foreign spouse joining an Indonesian husband or wife more info
- legitimate child who holds a foreign passport joining an Indonesian parent
- foreign spouse of a foreigner holding an ITAP
- legitimate unmarried foreign child (under 18 years old) joining a foreign father/mother who is an ITAP holder.
- Former Indonesian willing to regain Indonesian citizenship as per Citizenship law number 12/2006
- Retired foreigner
However, belonging to one of the above categories may not be enough. If you read point (3), it says that the change of status (from ITAS to ITAP) must consider the benefits that this foreigner brings to the nation in terms of national development and must consider the human aspects. This is for the very least highly subjective, and apart for the one belonging to the category it may well remain a demand without automatic approbation.
If your change of status is accepted, you will receive an ITAP which allows you to remain in Indonesia for five years - which may be worth all the paperwork hassles.
*definition of “retired” is given in Keputusan Menteri nomor M.04-IZ.01.02 Tahun 1998 tentang Pemberian Visa dan Izin Keimigrasian Bagi Wisatawan Lanjut Usia Mancanegara.
If you think you may qualify or be interested in an ITAP status someday, you might want to save all the documents you receive from the immigration office/s throughout the years, as they will help you to prepare your application.
Documents needed for ITAP application from a company:
- Pernyataan Integrasi letter - with Meterai (tax stamp)
- Company business registration and license
- Yearly Report of Employees (WLK)
- Company's Foreign Workers Employment Plan (RPTKA)
- DPKK funds - proof of payment for the first year's $1,200 fee
- Work permit Notificaiton (formerly IMTA)
- Work permit for the foreign employee
- Deed and Ministerial Approval for the company
- Company Tax ID & Tax ID and KTP of Indonesian HR Manager
(for applicant):
- Original Passport and photocopy
- Photocopy of KTP OA, ITAS, Work permit notification, or SKTT held in the last three years
- Marriage certificate (for spouse)
- Photocopy of Kartu Keluarga Orang Asing
- Form Perdim 24 (request at Immigrantion office)
- Fform Perdim 27 (request at Immigrantion office )
Extension of an ITAP
Ministerial Regulation No. 27 of 2014
Permanent Stay Permit Report
Article 76
(1) Foreigners holding Permanent Stay Permits for an indefinite period are required to report every 5 (five) years to the Head of the Immigration Office whose working area includes the residence of the foreigner concerned and is free of charge.
(2) The reporting as referred to in paragraph (1) is carried out by the sponsor or person in charge by filling out a data application and attaching the following requirements:
a. An original and still valid Passport;
b. Permanent Stay Permit card; and
c. residence certificate (Surat Keterangan Tempat Tinggal).
Article 77
(1) The reporting as referred to in Article 76 must be carried out not earlier than 3 (three) months and no later than the working day before the reporting date for the Permanent Stay Permit expires.
(2) The reporting as referred to in paragraph (1) that is submitted beyond the expiration date of the Permanent Stay Permit is carried out after obtaining approval from the Director General.
Article 78
(1) Reporting as intended in Article 77 item (1) is done through the following mechanism:
a. inspection of the completeness of the requirements;
b. data entry and print application receipts;
c. file scan;
d. interviews, taking biometric data in the form of photos and fingerprints;
e. approval of the Head of the Immigration Office;
f. issuance of registration number and Permanent Stay Permit card and the issuance of a Permanent Stay Permit which also contains a Re-entry Permit with a maximum validity period of 2 (two) years on National Passport;
g. document scanning is complete; and
h. document submit.
Article 62
(1) The issuance of a KITAP as referred to in Article 58 paragraph (2) is carried out by the Head of the Immigration Office or...
(2) An application for a KITAP...shall be submitted...by filling in the data application and attaching the following requirements:
a. letter of guarantee from Sponsor;
b. a valid Passport;
c. residence certificate;
(1) Application for extension of a KITAP is submitted...by filling in the data application and attaching the requirements as referred to in Article 63 and
the old KITAP.
(2) The Head of the Immigration Office who receives the application for the extension...
Investor Visa
Investor visa (Index 313 or 314) is issued for shareholders in a foreign investment company where the minimum share invested is Rp 1 billion. The investor must be mentioned by name in the official documents. For Investor visas an RPTK application is not required. The steps and procedures for Investor visas are:
Step 1). Application for a recommendation letter from BKPM
Step 2). Upon issuance of the recommendation letter from BKPM, then we can apply e-Visa by on line issued by Directorate General Immigration office.
Step 3). Upon his entrance into Indonesia, then we can apply for Investor e-ITAS (for index 313 is valid for 12 months, while index 314 will be valid for 2 years).
Step 4). Upon the issuance of Investor E-Itas, then we can apply for STM/ Resort Police Report and SKTT (Surat Keterangan Tempat Tinggal).
Lifetime ITAP
Some long term residents, especially those married to Indonesian citizens, may qualify for a Lifetime ITAP, referred to as a "ITAP Semur Hidup" or Permanent Stay Permit.
You will be required to report to immigration after five years on the Lifetime ITAP. Here are the requirements for the report, based on one person's experience.
Even though the visa is called a "Lifetime" visa, be aware that this Permanent Stay Permit can be cancelled for a number of reasons. if the Visa Holder:
- Leaves Indonesia for more than 1 year
- Does not submit a Permanent Stay Permit extension/report after each 5 year period
- Acquires Indonesian citizenship
- Visa is revoked by the Minister or a designated Immigration Officer
- Visa holder is subject to deportation or dies
- Is proven to have committed a crime against the state as stipulated in laws and regulations
- Carries out activities which endanger state security
- Violates the Integration Statement
- Employs foreign worker/s
- Provides false information in the filing of the petition of the Permanent Stay Permit
- Is subjected to Immigration Administrative Measures
- Has a marital breakup because of divorce* and / or the court's decision (but can get a new KITAP)
Here are the documents that are required at the time of application and for the periodic reporting:
- Surat Permohonan
- Surat Jaminan
- Pernyataan integrasi
- Copy of the KTP of your Indonesian spouse or sponsor
- Copy of the Kartu Keluarga of the Indonesian spouse
- Birth certificate of Indonesian spouse
- Passport
- Kitap
- KTP and KK
- Marriage book
- Rp 1,750.000 for the 2 year MERP, which will be stamped in your passport
- Fingerprints and photo
*Note: ex-spouse can sponsor a new ITAS/ITAP, but it requires a change in status from "Penanggung Jawab" to "Penjamin". which you must apply for.
Service Visa (Dinas)
Service Visas are given to foreign citizens bearing service passports, on assignment to Indonesia for diplomatic purposes. They are working in Indonesia under official government entities such as UN bodies, aid organizations, etc. Visa Dinas are directly handled by the Indonesian government department who employees the expats and they apply direct to the Foreign Ministry (Menlu) to process the visa. Private agents are not allowed to handle this type of visa.
Visa-Free Entry
Only the citizens of 10 ASEAN countries are allowed to travel visa-free to Indonesia: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor Leste, and Vietnam.
Bali Tourism Tax
UPDATE Bali Tourism Tax begins in February 2024 - to support control of increasing waste and preservation of Balinese culture. Read more.
Electronic Visa on Arrival (eVOA)
Visa On Arrival Requirements:
- Passport that is valid for a minimum of 6 (six) months;
Expiration date of the applicant's passport (full validity passport) must be at least 6 (six) months at the date of entry, which has at least one blank page for visa (amendment and endorsement pages cannot be used for visa). A limited validity passport is not accepted without a prior Indonesian visa; - A return ticket or ticket for continuing trip to another country;
- Proof of covid-19 vaccines (minimum 2 doses or 1 dose for J&J vaccine)
- Download SatuSehat App
- Proof of electronic Visa on Arrival (e-VOA) payment (debit or credit card with Mastercard, Visa or JCB) via evisa.imigrasi.go.id/
- A completed e-CD form is required to pass through customs on arrival in Indonesia. It applies to all foreign and local individuals traveling to Indonesia to declare what goods they are carrying into Indonesia. Passengers can complete the e-CD through this website https://ecd.beacukai.go.id
Electronic Visa on Arrival (e-VoA) can be used within 90 days of its issuance. These countries can enjoy e-VoA facilities:
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, Malaysia, Morocco, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Oman, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Timor Leste, Tunisia, Turkiye, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, and the United States.
There are 17 Immigration checkpoints, both air and sea designated to facilitate e-VoA:
6 airports, namely Juanda, Surabaya; Kualanamu, Medan; Ngurah Rai, Bali; Sam Ratulangi, Manado; Soekarno-Hatta, DKI Jakarta; and Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta. 11 are seaports, namely: Bandar Bentan Telani Lagoi, Riau Archipelago; Bandar Seri Udana Lobam, Riau Archipelago; Batam Center, Riau Archipelago; Batu Ampar, Riau Archipelago; Citra Tri Tunas, Riau Archipelago; Kabil, Riau Archipelago; Senimba Bay Marina, Riau Archipelago; Nongsa Marine Terminal, Riau Archipelago; Sekupang, Riau Archipelago; Sri Bintan Pura, Riau Archipelago; Tanjung Balai Karimun, Riau Archipelago.
E-VOA payments can be made using a Nastercard, Visa or JCB debit/credit card.
E-VoA is valid for 30 days and can be used for six types of activities, namely tourist visits, visits for government duties, visits for business talks, visits to purchase goods, visits to meetings and transit. The maximum extension is once for the next 30 days. Foreigners with the intention of activities outside this scope must apply for a different type of visa.
Extension of Visitor Visas Online
It is no longer necessary for eVOA holders to go to the immigration office to get their 30 day extension. They can apply online for the extension at evisa.imigrasi.go.id. After you login, click the "Extend" button and follow the insutructions. Payment can be made visa credit card. After payment has been made, you will receive an eVOA digital document sent to your email address. The initial Electronic Visa on Arrival (eVOA) is valid for 30 days and can only be extended 1 (one) time for the next 30 days. See this Press Release on the Immigration website - Foreigners Holding Visitor Visas can Extend their Stay Permits Online.
Extension of Visa On Arrival (VOA)
Article Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 29 Tahun 2021 (update of 2019 regulation) one can extend the VOA for an additional 30 days at any "Kantor Imigrasi" (immigration office) in Indonesia. If you do it yourself, it will cost you Rp 500,000. Learn more on the Immigration website
PerMen No. 29 Year 2021
Article 65
(1) The extension of the Visit Stay Permit...is carried out by the Head of the Immigration Office or the appointed Immigration Officer based on the application.
(2) The application for an extension of a Visit Stay Permit as referred to in paragraph (1) can be submitted no later than 14 (fourteen) days and no later than the working day before the Visit Stay Permit period ends.
(3) An application for an extension of a Visit Stay Permit as referred to in paragraph (2) which has been received and registered before the end of the Visit Stay Permit period, is not considered overstay if the completion exceeds the Visit Stay Permit period.
(4) The extension of the Visit Stay Permit as referred to in paragraph (3) shall be granted as of 1 (one) day after the date the Visit Stay Permit ends.?
To extend your Visa on Arrival requires several visits to the immigration office (3 visits over 5+ days) to process the extension. The extension application requires:
- 2 forms ("Formulir untuk perpanjangan pertama visa kunjungan" and "Formulir Perubahan Data Orang Asing") and a folder. Forms and folder are obtained at the immigration office and should be free. One of the two forms has both English and Bahasa Indonesia referenced on each line of requested information. The line information required on the second form does not have dual language information, however one can easily fill in the second form using the first form for reference.
- Copy of the sponsor's KTP (identity) card
- Photocopies of your outbound air ticket
- Your passport, and photocopies of your front/signature page and original VOA visa page, and the pages of any subsequent extensions
- Black pen
- Rp 350,000 to cover the official cost of the extension. During the extension you will also pay an additional 5,000 Rupiah for the digital fingerprints and photo, the total cost is Rp 355,000.
Note: Only ONE extension is allowed for a VOA. If you want to stay longer (than the 2nd 30-day period), you will have to leave the country and then re-enter on a new VOA.
The process:
1st Visit - About 7-10 days before the original VOA expires, go to the Visa Kunjungan counter at the nearest Kantor Imigrasi with your sponsor and pick up 2 forms and a folder (Forms and folder should be free). If you have all needed documents and photocopies (see above) and your sponsor with you, it will save a trip as you can fill out the forms, and sign and submit them at the same time. Be prepared to wait if you want to accomplish all of this in the first visit. You will then receive a receipt and be advised when to return to the office.
Note: Depending on the immigration office policy, if you have all of the required documents and photocopies and your sponsor with you, you may be digitally photographed and fingerprinted and pay the 355,000 Rupiah during the first visit. If so you will then receive a receipt that you will bring with you when you return to pick up your passport on a day directed by the office, usually in 2 to 3 days.
2nd Visit - If you completed all of the VOA Extension requirements during your first visit, return to the immigration office on the designated day and present the receipt and pick up your passport with your new visa.
If you were not digitally photographed and fingerprinted and had not paid the 355,000 Rupiah fee on the first visit, this will be accomplished on the second visit. When you go back to present your receipt from visit 1 and pay the Rp 355,000 Rupiah fee and the immigration office will then take your digital photo and fingerprints (in one extension process only). You will then receive a receipt for your payment detailing what it was for. If you want to wait, you can return to the visa kunjungan counter and give them the copy of the slip and wait for the passport. Note: The local immigration office may advise you to pick up your passport with the new visa the next day.
3rd Visit - If necessary, the next day you go back to pick up your passport and new visa.*
The need for a local sponsor, and the multiple trips to the immigration office, is a reason why many people choose to use agents, but it isn't necessary as one can take care of the process themselves.
Sample Sponsor/Extension Letter - is not needed if your sponsor accompanies you.
*Note, several community members actually were able to complete the process above in 2 visits because they came with all documents in hand and their sponsor during the first visit.
Multiple Successive VOA
Some foreigners choose to come/stay in Indonesia on a series of multiple VOA. All of the above provision apply as to cost/length of stay. Once you leave Indonesia, you are allowed to return - even the same day - on a different/new VOA. However, if you do this too many times over successive months, the immigration official may ask you questions about why you keep coming in as a tourist due to suspicions about your motives and therefore may deny you entry.
Look instead, at the Visit Visa option.
60-Day Visit Visa (Tourism)
Foreign tourists no longer need sponsor to apply for 60-day tourist visit visas to Indonesia starting January 2023, Immigration's Sub-Coordinator of Public Relations explained "This Tourist Visit Visa is valid for 60 days and can be extended up to a maximum of 180 days...
Previously, 6-day tourist visit visas had to be submitted by sponsors. Currently, apart from being without a sponsor, foreign tourists can apply for this visa independently at https://evisa.imigrasi.go.id/.
The requirements for a 60-day Tourist Visit Visa are as follows:
1. Travel documents with the following conditions:
a. A passport valid for at least 12 months for a 180 days Visit Visa
b. A passport valid for at least 6 months for a 60 days Visit Visa
2. Proof of having living expenses of at least 2,000 US dollars;
3. Return ticket or onward ticket to continue the journey to another country;
4. Two color photographs 4 cm x 6 cm
The 60-day tourist visit visa price is Rp 1.500.000 . Tourists can pay with credit/debit card (Visa, Mastercard atau JCB). This visa is NOT extendable.
With this visa you can:
- Visit family or friends
- Visit Indonesia for the purpose of tourism
- Attend meetings, incentives, conventions, and exhibitions as an attendee
You must:
- Be staying in Indonesia for visit purposes only
- Be financially sufficient during your stay in Indonesia
- Comply with all visa conditions and Indonesia laws
Other information:
- Prohibited from performing activities that earn benefits in any form
- Prohibited from attending events as a speaker
- You can convert this visa to another visa or stay permit
- Staying in Indonesia over the period of your stay permit, engaging in prohibited - activities, not complying with visa conditions, and/or not complying with Indonesian laws may result in you paying fines, being deported, and/or other legal charges
Document Requirements:
- Transportation ticket outbound Indonesia
- Valid passport for at least 6 months or a valid travel document for at least 12 (twelve) months for Foreigners holding travel documents
- Recent Passport Photo
- Financial proof for funding your stay in Indonesia of at least USD 2000, such as Personal bank statement showing the last 3 months period; Proof of latest salary slip;Time deposits.
Visa Validity:
This visa must be used within 90 days from the date of issue.
Please note that the visa validity period is different from the period of stay, kindly check your visa for the period of stay Information.
Tourist visa Information source
Other Citizens
Citizens of other countries not on the visa on arrival lists will be required to apply for a visa overseas - in their home country - before entering Indonesia. Citizens of any country wishing to stay more than 30 days must also apply for an appropriate visa (cultural visit or business visit) at their nearest Indonesian Embassy or Consulate before traveling to Indonesia.
Tour agents are able to arrange express handling for groups at no additional charge by presenting the completed immigration cards, passports and applicable visa fee. Passengers who overstay their visa period for a short period of time can be processed immediately at the airport by paying Rp 200,000 for every day they overstayed their 30-day visa (as per PP 38/2009). Airlines that experience technical difficulties or delayed flights can apply for their passengers to be exempted from paying any overstay penalties.
To avoid the long wait at airports to apply for a visa on arrival, and if you want to stay for 60 days, you must apply for a visit visa at the Indonesian consular office in your home country. The consular office at Indonesian embassies (outside of Indonesia) can issue a 60-day visit visa.
Note: A tourist VOA on arrival cannot be transformed in a Visit visa, or a semi-permanent stay visa, or any other form of visa.
A tip: "Beware of the 30-day counting trap! The way the immigration officials count the 30-day period is: you arrive on the 1st day with, for instance, get a 30-day visa, and you must leave on the 30th day (not the 31st or the first of the next month, as you might think). This is actually their policy for how to count the days. After getting burned once and learning my lesson, I see their point and follow their definition of 30 days."
If you want to stay in Indonesia LONGER than 60 days, you must leave the country and re-enter on a new VOA/visit visa. People commonly fly to Singapore or Timor for this. There is no stipulation on the time you must stay outside Indonesia, in fact, you can return the same day if you want and be issued a new visa upon your arrival in Indonesia.
Visit Visa (Visa Kunjungan)
Persons coming to Indonesia for short term stays (longer than 60 days allowed on VOA), not as tourists and not for working, should apply for another category of visa - the Visa Kunjungan (Visit Visa) at an Indonesian consular office overseas. B211 is the index for a Visit Visa (non-working purpose).
The single entry Visit Visa can be used for:
- emergency and essential work
- business meeting
- purchase of goods
- probationary period for some foreign workers
- medical, food, and humanitarian aid worker
- crew members joining a vessel in Indonesia
Visa B213 - applies for a person who plans to visit Indonesia for the purpose of tourism, business, government business, purchasing goods, meetings or transit.
A sponsor is required for a Visit Visa and it must be applied for online!
See Regulation of Minister of Law and Human Rights No. 26, 2020 - Visas and Stay Permits in the New Normal (29 Sept 2020)
(3) To obtain a Visa Approval from the Director-General of Immigration as referred to in section (2), a Sponsor must make an online application ... presenting:
a. a health certificate in English stating willingnessness to comply with health protocols in Indonesia
b. a declaration letter in English consented to do a mandatory self-isolation or undertake a medical treatment ...
c. a consent letter to be monitored during the quarantine or self-isolation ...
d. proof of health insurance or travel insurance with Covid 19 coverage
e. Color copy of passport ID page with minimum validity of 12 months
f. Flight tickets - inbound and outbound (round trip)
g. proof of covid vaccination
h. color passport photo with white background (4x6 cm)
(4) Visitor Visa applicant as referred to in Article 4, and in addition to requirements as referred to in Article 6 section (3), a Sponsor must demonstrate that they have sufficient funds of at least US$10,000 to support their living expenses during stay in Indonesia. (Financial proof provided by local sponsor or by visa recipient's overseas bank account balances.)
A letter of invitation/sponsorship from a sponsor in Indonesia is required. This can be an Indonesian citizen or a foreigner with a Temporary (ITAS) or Permanent (ITAP) Resident permit. You should also have a photocopy of the sponsor's ID card (KTP or ITAS /ITAP) to present along with the letter.
The letter of invitation/sponsorship must include:
- the full names and addresses of your visitors
- their passport numbers
- describe the purpose of their visit
- principal addresses during their visit and estimated duration
- a guarantee that the sponsor will cover all living expenses, transportation costs, and any other costs incurred during the visitor's time in Indonesia.
You may have to include a bank statement (overseas bank for foreign guest or Indonesian bank if sponsors guarantee) to guarantee availability of funds for covering living expenses. They may also have to provide proof of return or onward ticket (onward ticket to any destination booked for a date no later than 6 months after your date of entry into Indonesia for the maximum stay of the sosbud. An onward ticket means any plane, boat or bus ticket for any destination outside Indonesia.
So, in list form, you need:
- a letter of sponsor which invites to stay in Indonesia (see above bulleted list for contents of letter).
- a photocopy of the Indonesian sponsor's KTP/paspor RI or a copy of the expat sponsor's ITAS and passport.
- a copy of your airline ticket (return trip)
- your passport
- a couple of pictures
- fill out the form that the Indonesian Embassy will provide to you
- pay the visa fee (60 days: USD 50 or multiple entry for 12 months USD 110)
If, after 60 days, the guests want to stay longer, you will have to apply for a visa extension for them. Be careful, as you must apply for the extension in the same wilayah (district) as the address stated by your sponsor's KTP (Identity card). This means that if the KTP of your sponsor has been issued in Makassar, you must apply for all extensions in Makassar and are not allowed to apply for an extension in Bali.
PP no. 31, Year 2013 Article 136 defines extensions of Visit Visas:
(1) Visit Stay Permit for single entry Visit Visa holder and multiple entry Visit Visa holder shall be granted for the maximum period 60 (sixty) days from the date when the Entry Stamp is provided.
(2) Visit Stay Permit for single entry Visit Visa holder as contemplated in clause (1) may be extended for four (4) times maximum and each extension for up to 30 (thirty) days. After 4 renewals, you will need to apply for a new Visit visa online.
Visa extensions are granted for 30 days each. You can extend your sosial budaya visa up to 4 times for a total maximum stay of 180 days. Go in person for the first extension, subsequent extensions can be done by an agent, if you choose. The two first extensions will be granted by the Kantor Imigrasi, while the two last will require a prior approval from the Kantor Wilayah before issuance by the Kantor Imigrasi. Each extension has a legal fee of Rp 250.000. They may ask you to buy the forms for anything between Rp 10,000 to 30,000. Though this last fee has no legal basis, it is customary.
Extensions are not guaranteed. You can only submit a “permohonan” (request). However, if you do follow the procedures carefully, you will minimize the chance of a refusal. If they decide to refuse it, ask your sponsor to request a Surat Keterangan Penolakan remitted to him, stating the reasons why the immigration department refused the extension. This is the law; they must list the reasons why they refused you the extension. If they do refuse, go with your sponsor to the Kantor Wilayah and ask to talk to the Kepala Divisi Keimigrasian. If you have initiated the procedure of the extension no later than 7 days before the expiration of your visa, if you have submitted all of the requested documents, if you don't do anything illegal (working), if you have submitted a copy of your onward ticket, and if you have proven that you or your sponsor have enough money to pay for your expenses, the Imigrasi usually won't risk your sponsor filling a complaint to the Kantor Wilayah (district office).
Regulations necessitate a 3-working day processing for these visas in Singapore, Bangkok, or your home country ... but from some reports, this process only takes ONE working day in Kuala Lumpur. Wherever you choose to process the application, be sure to allow the correct amount of time.
Some expats have reported to us that 'facilitating agencies' can in fact still process visas in one working day in Singapore, and that the staff in the Consular section at the Singapore embassy can refer you to these companies. Of course, the fees are significantly higher than the usual method.
Important Note: While some cultural and education activities are covered by this class of visa, paid employment for any Indonesian legal entity is not allowed to holders of this class of visa, Sosial Budaya. You can be in Indonesia on a variety of visas, but you cannot legally work on a Visit visa - even if your employer is processing your Work Permit. You cannot work legally while waiting for the work permit unless the government issues a special permit to allow you to work on a non-work visa.
SAVE money ... on visa runs through Batam
Sample Letter to request a Visit visa (for expat spouse of an Indonesian)
Sample Letter to ask for an extension to a Visit visa
5 Year Visit Visas for Former Indonesian Citizens
Five-year visit visas are available for anyone except diplomats and people in government service. These Multiple Entry Visit Visas are valid for 5 years from the date of issue, according to a new Government Regulation. This Government Regulation was signed on 27 June 2016 by President Jokowi as PP Number 26 Year 2016 Concerning Alteration to PP Number 31/2013 Concerning Regulation for the Implementation of Law Number 6/2011 Concerning Immigration.
Stay permits for holders of multiple entry visit visas cannot be extended with the exception of ex-Indonesian citizens and their families.
Ex-Indonesian citizens (who are now citizens of other countries) and their family members, can not only get a multiple-entry visas which is valid for five years, but with this visa they can extend their stay permits twice, each time for 60 days, resulting in a total stay of 6 months in Indonesia (if they choose to do the allowed 2 extensions). Family members are designated as legal spouse and children of ex-Indonesian citizens who are under the age of 18 and not yet married.
People who are not ex-Indonesian citizens who hold a multiple entry visit visas cannot extend their stay permit at all. People who are not ex-Indonesian citizens who hold a single entry visit visa can extend their stay permit 4 times for 30 days each time making a total of 6 months.
Business Visa
All persons coming to Indonesia for business purposes (as opposed to just a short term tourist or study trip) for a period to exceed 60-days are required to obtain a business visa.
A business visa does not allow a foreigner to work or be gainfully employed in Indonesia, but only to conduct business negotiations, short term work assignments or training assignments. If you plan to work in Indonesia for a period of time, you must have an ITAS and a Work Permit.
A business visa is the B211 visa. The document requirements for this visa are:
- Copy of your passport
- Copy of a bank statement showing a minimum balance of US$2,000
- Color photo meausinrg 4x6cm
- Copy of full vaccination certificate showing two injections
- Proof of medical insurance coverage
The visa can be extended two times after a one-month
stay (one month for each extension). If you have a multiple entry business
visa (MBV), after a 60-day stay the visa can be extended four times (one
month for each extension). You can enter Indonesia as many times as you
want in a one year period on the multiple entry business visa, as long
as you don't stay more than 60 days on each visit.
If you enter on a multiple-entry business visa, you are not required to get an exit permit each time you leave.
Please be aware, however, that there may be Indonesian income tax obligations if you are in Indonesia on a business visa for more than 6 months in one year.
If you plan to temporarily work in Indonesia for a few months, you must apply for a temporary working visa index 457. Your sponsoring/employing company can apply for it at the Indonesian Immigration office in Jakarta. Upon entry into Indonesia with a temporary working visa index 457, you will get a 60-day visa stamped in your passport at the Indonesian Immigration airport. Within a few days after your arrival, you will have to apply for a temporary working permit at the Manpower Department, but you must first pay the DPKK fee or Skill and Development Fund fee of USD200 to cover your 60 day working period (USD100/month).
Online application for 212 business multi entry visa:
The procedure now requires both the applicant and the sponsor (separately, with different logins and passwords) to fill out online applications and submit documentation. The applicant can't just submit a sponsor letter his/herself as in the past. In addition you have to go in person to Jakarta to get a hard copy of a permission letter that is required to retrieve your visa from your chosen embassy abroad. Without that letter you can't get your visa. It won't be emailed to you.
For in person renewal, some offices require that the sponsor be present, as well as the applicant and don't allow visa agents to apply for the renewal. The sponsor will need to bring his/her KTP. Some offices require the sponsor to have a local KTP (not from a different province/island).
Since it is impossible to speak to a live human being anymore at the immigration office, it's important to get the process right.
NEW Multiple-entry Business Visa
A new option for frequent business and Foreign Investors, the Immigration office is starting a trial on Multiple Entry Visas (November 21, 2022). The visa allows foreigners holding it to: conduct business talks, tourism, government assignments, purchasing goods, meetings, humanitarian reasons, and transit.
The main requirements:
- Valid national passport and still valid for at least 18 (eighteen) months;
- Letter of guarantee from the Guarantor except for visits in the context of tourism;
- Proof of having living expenses for himself and/or his family while in the Indonesian Territory in the form of a checking account, savings book, or deposit for the last 3 (three) months belonging to a Foreigner or Guarantor in an amount of at least USD 2000 (two thousand US dollars) or equivalent;
- Return ticket or onward ticket to continue the journey to another country except for the crew of the Conveyance who will stop over to join the ship and continue the journey to another country; and
- A recent color photograph taken at least the last 3 months with a white background.
In addition, there are additional requirements during the Covid 19 pandemic:
- Statement letter willing to comply with all applicable health protocols in Indonesia;
- Proof of having received the full two-shot dose of the COVID-19 vaccine;
- Proof of ownership of health insurance/travel insurance which includes health financing, and/or a statement letter that is willing to pay independently if affected by COVID-19 while in Indonesia.
See the official announcement
Pre-Investment Visit Visa
NEW Visa Type - January 2023 - A Pre-Investment visit visa is given to foreigners to travel to Indonesia for one trip and is valid for a maximum of 180 days from the date the entry permit is granted (not your date of arrival).
Pre-Investment Visit Visa is divided into several categories, including:
- One-time pre-investment visit visa is given a length of stay of 60 days and cannot be extended or transferred;
- One-time pre-investment visit visa is given a length of stay of 180 days and cannot be extended or transferred;
- Visit visa for several pre-investment trips can be given to foreigners to stay in Indonesia no later than 60 days from the date of issuance of Entry Stamp for each arrival;
- A visit visa for several trips (multiple entry) in the context of pre-investment can be given to foreigners for a maximum stay of 180 days from the date of issuance of the entry stamp of each arrival.
Pre-Investment Visit Visa can be used to carry out activities in the context of starting a new business such as field surveys and/or feasibility studies.
Applicants apply for a pre-investment visit visa by completing the application, uploading the required documents, making payments and getting a pre-investment visit visa electronically via registered email. Alternatively, you can download the application.
Payment can be made using a credit or debit card within the Visa, Mastercard or JCB network.
Pre-investment visit visas can be kept in soft copy and shown to immigration officials via tablet PCs, smartphones, etc., or printed;
Is given an entry sign (sticker affixed to the foreigner's passport page), which also serves as a residence permit for a visit;
As with other visas, Immigration Officers at airports or seaports or traditional crossings have the right to refuse the arrival of foreigners holding pre-investment visas without any explanation;
Overstaying your Visa
Overstaying any type of visa is a serious offense if you have overstayed more than 60 days. If your overstay is less than 60 days, you will be fined Rp 200,000/day for every day you overstayed your visa and then deported once you have paid the fine. The maximum fine for overstaying a visa is Rp 25 million and 5 years in jail. If you inadvertently overstay, go IMMEDIATELY to the immigration officer at the airport once you realize it and explain the circumstances. Delaying the report will only make the situation worse.
There are only a few legitimate reasons for overstaying your visa - the main one being that you were ill and in the hospital or unable to travel. Once you realize you will not be able to leave before your visa expires, ask a friend to officially report your illness in writing to the local immigration office so that you officially acknowledge that you have overstayed your legal stay limit. This will lessen the monetary penalties. Don't wait until the immigration catches you!
For lots more advice on this subject see Overstaying Your Visa
Repeated Short-term Visas Necessitate Leaving the Country to get a New Visa
Choosing short term visas for a temporary measure while an ITAS is being sought is quite common. The Indonesian government does not approve of people working on these visas, yet they continue to grant them to people who repeatedly come back to Indonesia after a short trip outside the country. Another option to consider is a multiple-entry business visa. This requires zero trips to local Immigration office for an entire year, but you do need to go to Singapore every two months and then re-enter Indonesia.
Feedback from some visitors to this site that have been in this situation:
“According to Indonesian consular officials, it's perfectly legal to come to Indonesia on a 60-day VOA, leave before the end of the sixty days, flying out of Indonesia, then returning on a new 60-day VOA. There is no need to pay bribes or any other fees upon arrival in Indonesia.”
“Some immigration officers may suspect that you are working in Indonesia without a permit. They just wonder how you finance your living costs (extended holidays after having returned for the x-th time to Indonesia. That's why they might ask you some questions. Some officers might go further and try to put you in an embarrassing situation in order to extract bribes from you, or simply asking for some money. It's a psychological game. There is no general answer on how to deal with each kind of such situations. The best results come from staying polite and taking in easy.”
Retirement Visa
Calling Visa
New policy - as of July 2016
A calling visa is a requirement for some nationalities prior to entering Indonesia using another visa, i.e., VOA or Tourist visa.
Passport holders from the following countries must obtain reference from the Directorate General of Immigration in Jakarta before applying for an Indonesian visa:
- Afghanistan
- Guinea
- Israel
- North Korea
- Cameroon
- Liberia
- Niger
- Nigeria
- Pakistan
- Somalia
Representative offices of the Republic of Indonesia may issue a visa with their own power (without the approval of the Director General of Immigration) for citizens of Calling Visa countries who have a permanent residency card in a country outside their home country, for participating in:
- conference or training programs conducted by government agencies and / or international organization under the United Nations
- investment activity in Indonesia
- business discussions
- socio-cultural activities
these visas can be issued if:
- if the applicant's country doesn't have an Indonesian embassy
- The applicant is a professor, teacher, student, Expert, Investor, or Manager (and their family members).
- Fill out the correct form
- Sponsor needs to be an Indonesian citizen, a person residing in Indonesia, or a company legally established in Indonesia.
- Invitation letter from the sponsor in Indonesia should be addressed to the Immigration Department of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia.
- Copy of the sponsor's ID (KTP).
- Confirmation letter from the sponsor in Indonesia (organization or company) where the applicant is working or studying, addressed to the Immigration Department of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia.
- Marriage Certificate (if applying for spouse as well)
- Birth Certificate (of children)
- Provide the requirements stated above.
- Attend an initial interview.
- Within a week, the embassy will issue a reference number for the applicants and sponsor.
- The sponsor will need to get an approval letter from the Directorate General of Immigration in Jakarta.
- Once you receive the approval Letter, you may process the visa at the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia and pay the required telex fee.
New Requirements for Visa Sponsors - effective March 2022
ALL types of ITAS and ITAP require a sponsor for the initial application, except for the Investor ITAS/ITAP. These new requirements for Visa sponsors will apply next year, but they do not apply for Indonesian spouses sponsoring their foreign spouses or children from mixed marriages.
PerMen No. 36 Tahun 2021 About Immigration Sponsorship (valid starting 17 or 20 March 2022)
Article 2
(1) Foreigners residing in the Territory of Indonesia must have Sponsor(s) who guarantee(s) their existence.
(4) Provisions regarding guarantees do not apply to foreigners who are legally married to Indonesian citizens.
(5) Foreigners as referred to in paragraph (4) are required to have a person in charge consisting of:
a. husband or wife of Indonesian citizenship; or
b. Indonesian : father or mother.
Article 4
(2) An individual sponsor... must meet the following requirements:
a. be at least 21 years old or married;
b. reside in Indonesia for at least the last 6 months
c. not being currently in a criminal justice process;
d. not being listed in the immigration prevention list; and
e. having a fixed income and/or sufficient active funds to guarantee the foreigner.
Article 6
(2) The application (for an individual Sponsor)... is carried out enclosing the following requirements:
a. application letter
b. a statement of his/her ability to be responsible for : the existence and activities of the guaranteed foreigner, and his/her return to the country of origin if the foreigner violates the provisions of the legislation;
c. KTP/Indonesian ID card or Indonesian passport
d. NPWP/taxpayer identification number;
e. proof of check account, savings book, or time deposit for the last 3 (three) months in the name of the sponsor of at least Rp100,000,000
f. white background photo
Article 7
The application (for PT or PT PMA)... is carried out enclosing the following requirements:
a. application letter... signed by the head of the corporation;
b. a statement of the ability to be responsible for the existence and activities of the guaranteed foreigner and his/her return to the country of origin if the foreigner violates provisions of laws and regulations, signed by the leadership as referred to in letter a;
c. Indonesian ID card or passport in the name of the head of the corporation;
d. deed of establishment and latest amendments to the corporation;
e. letter of ratification of corporate legal entity;
f. corporate taxpayer identification number;
g. proof of checking account, savings book, or time deposit for the last 3 (three) months in the name of the Sponsor of at least Rp200,000,000; and
h. color photograph on a white background of the head of the corporation.
Other Important Documents
Exit / Re-Entry Permits - IMK/MERP
Single exit/entry permits are no longer issued, only Multiple Exit/Reentry Permits (IMK/MERP).
Whenever a foreigner holding an ITAS or ITAP wants to leave Indonesia
for a short period, they are required to apply for an exit/re-entry permit
from the immigration office, if they don't already have one. The permit is stamped into your passport. A multiple exit/re-entry permit allows you to leave and reenter Indonesia
as many times as needed during the validity of the permit. For ITAS holders, the permit can be issued for 6 months or 1 year.
Note: Since 2013, the regulations for ITAP holders changed and the MERP permit is issued with the ITAP.
In other words, if you have an ITAS, you can only get a Multiple Exit Reentry Permit for the same length of time as the validity of the ITAS. The maximum time you can remain outside Indonesia (even on a 2-year IMK/MERP or lifetime ITAP), is one year.
It is advisable to always have a valid multiple re-entry permit stamped in your passport just in case of the need for an emergency departure, such as illness in a family member back home or a medical emergency for a member of your family in Jakarta or the need to escape an situation of civil unrest (as occurred in 1998).
The fees concerning exit/re-entry permit, as indicated in PP 45 tahun 2016 as follows:
- Multiple exit/re-entry for 6 months validity: Rp. 600,000 (for holders of ITAS only)
- Multiple exit/re-entry for 1 year validity: Rp. 1,000,000 (for holders of ITAS only)
- Multiple exit/re-entry for 2 years validity: Rp. 1,750,000 (for holders of ITAP only)
- Multiple exit/re-entry for 2-5 years validity: Rp. 3,250,000 (for holders of ITAP only & special circumstances)
- A new fee for "Jasa Penggunaan Teknologi Sistem Informasi Manajemen keimigrasian" of Rp 55,000 may be added to the cost above.
It normally takes 2-3 working days to process your Exit/Re-entry Permit. To apply you'll need:
- Official form - Perdim 25: Formulir Izin Masuk Kembali dan Pemulangan
- Official form - Perdim 27: Formulir Perubahan Data Orang Asing
- Original and photocopy of both sides of your ITAS /ITAP
- NEW Application form and guarantee form signed by sponsor (replacing Application letter from your Sponsor and letter of guarantee from your sponsor)
- A photocopy of the sponsor's KTP
- Original Passport and copy of relevant pages
- Photocopies of marriage certificate and Kartu Keluarga Warga Negara Asing
Forms and folder should be free.
IMK (MERP) expiring while you're out of the country?
Be aware that If the permit is going to expire while you are out of the country, you may lose your ITAS /ITAP if you don't take action. You would then have to go to an Indonesian embassy to apply for a new visa all over again (not another exit/re-entry permit).
We have in the past understood that you cannot apply for an extension to your exit permit from abroad. However, consular offices abroad (in both embassies and consulates) may only be able to assist you if you can provide the following, and IF they receive the approval from the Directorate General of Immigration in Jakarta:
- Passport valid for more than six months from the date of re-entry into Indonesia
- ITAS/KITAP valid for more than one month past the re-entry date
- Ticket back to Indonesia
- Return addressed envelope (to mail your passport back to you)
If at all possible, it would still be advisable to handle the renewal/extension in Indonesia before you leave the country as it would be much easier to accomplish.
This article gives updated information for applying for ITAS, ITAP, IMK from abroad.
IMK/MERP for Visit Visa Holders?
You can only need apply for a re-entry permit if you are in Indonesian on a limited stay visa. Foreign persons in Indonesia on a VOA or visit visa cannot leave the country and re-enter on the original visa. They must first leave then country, then obtain a new visa upon re-entry.
Letter of Guarantee - Surat Permintaan dan Jaminan
Should contain this information: name, place of birth, date of birth, profession, income, nationality, KTP, address of your sponsor, your name, nationality, passport number, relationship with the sponsor, date, signature of the sponsor, and meterai (tax duty stamp).
Sample letter - to guarantee you will cover the living costs of the person you are sponsoring.
Sample Letter to request an Multiple Exit-Reentry Permit
Final Departure or EPO (Exit Permit Only) - "Return of Immigration Documents"
When you are reading to leave Indonesia for good you will need to turn in your ITAS and obtain an 'exit only' permit from the immigration office.
Prepare these documents for this process: original passport, letter from your sponsor.
Around 10 days before you leave Indonesia, go to your immigration office and ask them when to apply for the ITAS cancellation (previously called EPO/Exit Only Permit - now they just stamp your passport with the words Return of Immigration Documents). They give you 7 days to leave the country after the "Immigration Documents Returned" stamp has been put in your passport, but confirm that date when you received your stamped passport, to be certain you schedule your flight in time.
After getting the stamp in your passport, a photocopy of the stamped page may needed to apply for cancellation of your Work Permit. You must turn in the original documents to the department that issued the various permits.
Because requirements change frequently, be sure and ask the immigration official if there are any other necessary procedures to leave in good order.
If you are going to change your KITAS sponosr, you will need to follow this procedure to close out the previous sponsorship and return those immigration documents before you can be issued the new visa/KITAP.
Relevant regulations:
UU no.6 , year 2011
Article 71
Each foreigner residing in Indonesia shall:
a. provide all necessary information regarding his/her identity and / or identity of his/her family, and report any changes in : civil status, nationality, occupation, sponsorship, or a change of address to the local Immigration Office; or
Article 116
Each foreigner who does not perform his/her obligations as stipulated in Article 71 shall be punished with a maximum confinement of 3 (three) months or a fine of up to 25,000,000.
Registering the Birth of a Child
All changes to "civil status" must be reported to the proper authorities during your residence in Indonesia - marriage, divorce, birth, death.
Relevant regulation:
UU no.6 , Year 2011 (Immigration Law)
Article 71
Each foreigner (holding an e-ITAS/KITAS/KITAP) residing in the Territory of Indonesia shall:
a. provide all necessary information regarding his/her identity and / or of his/her familiy, and report any changes in civil status, nationality, occupation, guarantor, or a change of address to the local Immigration Office; or
b. ...
Article 116
Each foreigner who do not perform his/her obligations as stipulated in Article 71 shall be punished with a maximum confinement of 3 (three) months or a fine of up to 25,000,000, 00 (twenty five million rupiah).
Petunjuk Pelaksanaan no. IMI-GR 01.13.3849 , Tahun 2016 (Implementation Guidelines)
Article 3
(1) ...
(2) A foreigner or his/her sponsor must (formally) inform Immigration within 60 days of any change in his/her: marriage, divorce, birth of a childr, or death of a family member.
For foreigners who give birth in Indonesia, it will be necessary to get a local birth certificate before a foreign passport can be issued for your baby. Then, you will need to apply for a limited stay permit (ITAS visa for your baby, if both of the parents are foreigners, which will follow the visa of the working spouse.
You will have to first get a Surat Keterangan Kelahiran from the hospital where the mother gave birth. With this document you go to Catatan Sipil (Civil Registry office to obtain the formal birth Certificate (Akte Kelahiran). Though you have 60 days to report the birth to the Catatan Sipil office (Pasal 27 undang undang 23 tahun 2006 tentang Administrasi Kependudukan), you have ONLY 15 days to do so to the immigration office (Kantor Imigrasi).
If the mother or the father is Indonesian, and the baby is born after August 1st 2006, the baby is automatically an Indonesian citizen. However, you will still have to report the birth to the Kantor Imigrasi, even though the baby is Indonesian (as per law 12/2006 about Citizenship For more information.
Pajak Fiskal - Fiscal Tax
Indonesian residents, including expatriates, are no longer be required to pay fiscal tax each time they depart the country nor produce their tax ID card to receive an exemption. Read the Government Letter explaining this decision
Airport Tax
The amount of the airport tax depends on the airport you are flying from and whether your flight is domestic or international. You pay this tax at the airport prior to departure costs are as follows:
Airport |
Designation |
Domestic (Rp) |
International (Rp) |
Jakarta | CGK |
75,000 |
200,000 |
I Gusti Ngurah Rai Bali - Denpasar | DPS |
75,000 |
200,000 |
Juanda Airport Surabaya - Surabaya, East Java | SUB |
75,000 |
200,000 |
Sultan Iskandarmuda International Airport (Blang Bintang Airport) - Banda Aceh | BTJ |
75,000 |
200,000 |
Halim Perdanakusuma International Airport - Jakarta | HLP |
75,000 |
200,000 |
Sepinggan Balikpapan - Balikpapan | BPN |
75,000 |
200,000 |
Pattimura - Ambon | AMQ |
30,000 |
100,000 |
Frans Kaisiepo Airport - Biak, Papua | BIK |
40,000 |
Hang Nadim Airport - Batam | BTH |
30,000 |
100,000 |
Adisucipto International Airport - Yogyakarta | JOG |
35,000 |
100,000 |
Lombok Praya | LOP |
45,000 |
150,000 |
Sam Ratulangi Airport - Manado, North Sulawesi | MDC |
40,000 |
100,000 |
Kuala Namu International Airport - Medan, North Sumatera | MES |
35,000 |
75,000 |
Adisumarmo International Airport - Solo, Central Jsva | SOC |
30,000 |
100,000 |
Timika Airport - Tembagapura, Papua | TIM |
40,000 |
75,000 |
Sultan Hasanuddin - Ujung Pandang | UPG |
50,000 |
150,000 |
Husein Sastranegara International Airport - Bandung | BDO |
25,000 |
75,000 |
Minangkabau International Airport - Padang, West Sumatra | PDG |
35,000 |
100,000 |
Sultan Syarif Kasim II International Airport - Pekanbaru, Riau | PKU |
30,000 |
75,000 |
Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II International Airport - Palembang, South Sumatra | PLM |
40,000 |
60,000 |
Supadio Airport - Pontianak, West Kalimantan | PNK |
30,000 |
75,000 |
El Tari Airport - Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara | KOE |
40,000 |
50,000 |
Raja Haji Fisabilillah Airport - Tanjung Pinang, Riau | TNJ |
40,000 |
50,000 |
Some rates above may not be current!
- Children under 2 years, provided not occupying a seat in the aircraft.
- Transit passengers in possession of through tickets and continuing their journey the same day (not applicable in Jakarta unless passengers stay within customs area/ transit room).
- Officials of the Directorate General of Air Communications (on duty and with a travel order)
- Official guests of the Indonesian government
- Aircraft crew
STM, SKJ, SKCK - Police Documents
In the past, expatriates holding an ITAS card had to register with the National Police within 30 days of issuance of their Stay Permit. That registration resulted in getting STM documents.
STM: While it is no longer mandatory for newly arrived foreigners to report to the local police and obtain a Surat Tanda Melapor (STM) for all expat residents, it may be required for other documentation. For example, applying for an SKTT or KPT WNA.
The STM is a sheet of paper which shows that you reported to the nearest Police office within 24 hours of arrival in Indonesia.
To obtain the STM, go to the resort police department in the area where the foreign expatriate and their family members are living in Indonesia. With the application you will be asked for a Photocopy of your passport, Photocopy of your ITAS/ITAP and other documents. There shouldn't be any cost for this form, but of course you could "tip" the official who provides it.
SKJ: Surat Keterangan Jalan Orang Asing - If the working expatriate will be traveling for work outside of Jakarta, or if they reside/live outside of Jakarta, then an SKJ/Traveling permit from the Police Dept will be required. The SKJ is valid for 2 months and is renewable as needed. The document can be applied for at the Police Station by the sponsor, before the expat travels.
SKCK - Police Letter/Certificate of Good Conduct from Police
If you are applying for a visa in another country after your stay in Indonesia, they may ask you to include a Police Document from Indonesia which establishes an expatriate's lack of criminal record during their stay.
You can obtain this "Certificate of Good Conduct" from the Indonesian Police Department - Indonesian Police Certificates. To find out more about how to obtain that, visit the Certificate of Good Conduct: Indonesian Police Certificate - Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian page.
SKLD: Foreigners no longer have to obtain the SKLD police document. The official announcement from Mabes Polri/the Central Police Dept. SPRIN/2471/XII/2013 tgl. 23 December Tentang Penghentian Surat Keterangan Lapor Diri . This applies in all regions of the country. Here is a copy of the SKLD Announcement (in Bahasa Indonesia) - print it out and take it with you to show to any government official that asks you to show them your Surat Keterangan Lapor Diri.
Registration with the Civil Registry Office - e-KTP OA & NIK
The KTP or Karta Tanda Penduduk is the ID card that is held by all Indonesians. Article 63 paragraph (1) of Law Number 24 of 2013 stipulates that Indonesian citizens and foreign citizens who have Permanent Residence Permits aged 17 years old or who have married or was once married are required to register at the Dinas Pendudukan in the Civil Registry office in order to get a eKTP OA. (Karta Tanda Penduduk Warga Negara Asing/Foreigner's ID card). Process is quick, easy and free - but very important.
NIK stands for Nomor Induk Kependudukan (Population number) and is found on the KTP OA for KITAP holders or on the SKTT for e-ITAS holders. The 16 digit code reflects where the NIK was registered, and the person's date of birth.
What is required for the registration?
- photocopies of your passport, buku nikah, buku POA, and the visa card with the photo inside that is stapled to your buku POA.
- photo
- You can opt out of getting an old version of the KTP and get your photo and fingerprints taken for the electronic KTP OA instead.
Usually there is a Peraturan Daerah (Local Regulation issued by the City or Kabupaten) which states the time limit for getting the KTP . Usually this regulation requires expats to get a new KTP OA up to 60 (or 30) days after being issued a new KITAP. There is normally a fine if you are late.
Advantages of having a e-KTP Warga Negara Asing
- You can use the KTP OA as Identification document on national flights - no need to bring ITAS/ITAP or Passport
- There are no questions as to whether or not you are charged the foreigner or local rate for admission tickets, hotel bookings, and other tourist attractions.
- The eKTP OA also facilitates transactions such as car titles in your name, opening bank accounts, etc.
- e KTP OA enables you to get a 5 year drivers license instead of a 1 year license, if you want to drive.
- eKTP is required in order to get a COVID vaccination, and they'll reference your NIK.
e-KTP - Validity period
The e-KTP for Indonesians is valid for life, as mandated by the Administrative Law (UU 23/2006 and Law 24/2013). Article 64 paragraph (7) and paragraph (8), unless there is a change in data elements such as address, title, etc., which would need to be reported to the civil authorities so another, corrected e-KTP could be issued.
The mandate of the Administrative Law clearly states that the e-KTP is also intended for foreigners. However, the e-KTP for foreigners has a validity period, adjusted to the validity period of the Permanent Stay Permit issued by the Immigration Ministry of Law and Human Rights.
On the e-KTP of foreigners, their citizenship status is stated.
Even though they have an e-KTP, foreigners are limited in their rights, such as not being able to vote and be elected in the general election.
Acquiring Indonesian Citizenship
Here are the relevant regulations:
UU no.12 Year 2006
Article 9
Requests for naturalization may be forwarded by the applicant upon meeting the following requirements:
a. Aged 18 (eighteen) or married;
b. At the time of forwarding the application, the applicant has resided in Indonesian territory for at least 5 consecutive years or at least 10 years intermittently;
c. Sound in health and mind;
d. Able to speak Bahasa Indonesia and acknowledges the state basic principles of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution;
e. Was never legally prosecuted due to acts of crime and sentenced jail for 1 year or more;
f. Upon acquiring Indonesian Citizenship, will relinquish any other citizenship;
g. Employed and/or has a steady income; and
h. Pay a naturalization fee to the Indonesian Government.
What is the procedure for submitting a Naturalization Application in Indonesia?
Application for naturalization based on Article 8 of Law no. 12 of 2006 concerning Citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia and Article 3A of Government Regulation Number 21 of 2022 which states that applications for naturalization are submitted by foreigners (WNA) through an Application Letter with the aim of going to the President through the Minister of Law and Human Rights and conveying it to the Official, who in this case is the Head Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights according to the applicant's area of residence
For naturalization through marriage...it is submitted online...via the Citizenship Registration page.
Application procedure:
The applicant must make a written request in Indonesian on sufficiently stamped paper to the Head of the Regional Office of the Department of Law and Human Rights or the Indonesian Representative abroad, containing at least:
- Full name;
- Place and date of birth;
- Address;
- Applicant's Nationality;
- Full name of husband or wife;
- Place and date of birth of husband or wife, as well as;
- Citizenship of husband or wife.
The application must be accompanied by:
- Photocopy of the Applicant's birth certificate certified by an authorized official;
- Photocopy of the Resident Identity Card or certificate of residence of the Applicant which is legalized by the authorized official;
- Photocopy of birth certificate excerpt and Indonesian Citizen Identity Card of the Applicant's husband or wife, authenticated by an authorized official;
- Photocopy of an excerpt from the marriage certificate/marriage book of the applicant and husband or wife, which is legalized by an authorized official;
- A certificate from the immigration office where the Applicant resides stating that the Applicant has resided in Indonesia for a minimum of 5 (five) consecutive years or a minimum of 10 (ten) non-consecutive years;
- Police record certificate from the police at the Applicant's residence;
- A statement from the representative of the Applicant's country explaining that after the Applicant obtained the citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia, he lost his citizenship of the country concerned;
- A written statement that the Petitioner will adhere to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, and will defend it seriously and will carry out the obligations imposed by the state as an Indonesian citizen sincerely and sincerely, and
6 (six) recent color photographs of the Applicant measuring 4 x 6.
Application Cost:
- Citizenship based on an application from a foreign citizen: Rp50 million
- Citizenship based on marriage: Rp15 million
- Citizenship for foreigners who have contributed to the country or for reasons in the interests of the country: Rp2.5 million
Furthermore, if there is information that you do not understand or you have difficulty accessing citizenship services, you can directly visit the nearest Regional Office (Kantor Wilayah) of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights in your area.
The above information (in Bahasa Indonesia)
It is easier to acquire Indonesian citizenship if you are married to the Indonesian mother of your child - learn more.
Report your Resident Status to your local RT
Although there is no document required, once you have established yourself in your place of residence you must report your presence to the local Neighborhood Head, the Rukun Tetangga; RT (pronounced err-tay). You will undoubtedly have contact with him in the future regarding various community matters, such as garbage collection and security, so it is important that he knows you have moved into the community.
It is a criminal ofense (although no cases yet) to move to another place without reporting your new address to Immigration. The usual procedure is reporting and moving also your personal data file from one region to another (then you start dealing with the Immigration in your new city).
The relevant regulation is UU no.6 , year 2011 (Immigration Law - not an official translation)
Article 71
Each foreigner residing in Indonesia shall:
a. provide all necessary information regarding his/her identity and / or identity of his/her family, and report any changes in : civil status, nationality, occupation, sponsorship, or a change of address to the local Immigration Office; or
Article 116
Each foreigner who does not perform his/her obligations as stipulated in Article 71 shall be punished with a maximum confinement of 3 months or a fine of up to Rp 25,000,000.
According to item (2) of Article 3 of Petunjuk Pelaksanaan no. IMI-GR 01.13.3849, Tahun 2016 (these are implementation instructions for the regulations), a foreigner or his/her sponsor must (formally) inform Immigration within 60 days of any change in his/her: marriage, divorce, birth of a child, death of a family member.
SKTT - Residence/Domicile Permit
The Surat Keterangan Tempat Tinggal (SKTT) is a Civil Registry-issued domicile permit and is mandatory for foreigners recently arriving in Indonesia who will hold a semi-permanent resident visa (eITAS). The document is issued by the Civil & Population Department (Suku Dinas Kependudukan) for the province that you live in.
The Human Resources department in the working spouse's office should apply and obtain this document for you.
For foreigners living in Jakarta areas, right now the SKTT application is filed online. Different provinces may have different application procedures, but more are moving to online applications. Check with the Catatan Sipil office in the province you live in to find out how to apply.
The SKTT for eITAS holders also contains your NIK (Nomor Induk Kependudukan) which can also be found on your eKTP OA.
To apply for the SKTT, prepare these documents as you may be asked for some/all of them and differs from office to office:
- Application form
- Letter of request from your sponsor/employer
- Photocopy of your passport
- Photocopy of your ITAS/ITAP/e-ITAS/e-ITAP
- Photocopy of your sponsor's e-KTP
- Copy of Police STM
- Photocopy of your sponsor's Kartu Keluarga, if your sponsor is an individual
- 2 color passport pictures, measuring 4 x 6 cm
- Copy of your work permit Notificaiton (if employed)
The completed document may be emailed to you, from some catatan sipil offices that have that capability.
If you own a car in Indonesia, the SKTT or Domicile Permit will be required to renew documents and in the past you've needed it to get a drivers license and renew your car's ownership documents. When in doubt of what documents are required, check with your company's human resources department to be sure that they've obtained all the required documents for you!
Foreign Individuals who have obtained a work permit and an e-ITAS are considered
residents, just as citizens are.
SKPRK - Surat Keterangan Penelitian Registrasi Kependudukan - NOTE: This document is NO LONGER REQUIRED/ISSUED
SKPPS - Surat Keterangan Pendaftaran Penduduk Sementara (Certificate of Registration for Temporary Resident) - NOTE: This document is NO LONGER REQUIRED/ISSUED
Kartu Keluarga Warga Negara Asing
Foreigners holding an ITAP visa (Permanent Resident) are able to obtain a Kartu Keluarga WNA (family card for foreigners), model number OS-01B. This Kartu Keluarga enables you to apply for a KTP Orang Asing (Foreigners ID card). With an eKTP OA, you can apply for a 5-year driver’s license.
See more information about the importance of Kartu Keluarga for families of mixed Indonesian-foreign marriages.
Drivers License and Vehicle Registration
Please refer to Making a Driver's License for information on these documents.Agents/Biro Jasa
There are a plethora of agents which can assist you in obtaining your documentation. They range from scam artists to small time operators who have a cousin who works for immigration to legitimate businesses. Be extremely wary of the claims of an agent who doesn't come highly recommended from friends or colleagues. Look at the classified listings in the Jakarta Post for names of agents. Tell them you are shopping around to compare prices and that should bring their prices way down.
The danger is not only that the agent will charge you an excessive amount for his assistance, but that he will complete the documentation incorrectly. This could, needless to say, cause you numerous difficulties in the future. The best bet is to use an agent that has given good service at reasonable rates to your friends and colleagues. Remember, something that sounds too good to be true is usually just that.
A new class of professional Document Services has arisen in recent years which gives an entirely different class of service that the average calo; or broker. Again, let the experience of others be your guide to a wise choice.
For information on visas and documentation required for them, call the South Jakarta Immigration office at 021-522-4658 ext 2203 or 2200. Hours: 8:00am to 4:00pm. Closed for lunch hour 12:00-1:00.
Additional information:
For information on ... Indonesian Individual Incomes Taxes
Carrying Original Documents - or Photocopies?
In order to avoid the risk of loss or theft of the original copy of your Passport, ITAP or ITAS card, or other important documents, and the resulting hassles to replace them, many expatriates keep the original at their home/office in a secure place and carry only a photocopy of the most important identity documents.
Be aware that you may be asked to produce documents by police/other officials. This is the law that governs this is Article 71 of the Immigration Law:
Setiap Orang Asing yang berada di Wilayah Indonesia wajib: a. memberikan segala keterangan yang diperlukan mengenai identitas diri dan/atau keluarganya serta melaporkan setiap perubahan status sipil, kewarganegaraan, pekerjaan, Penjamin, atau perubahan alamatnya kepada Kantor Imigrasi setempat; atau b. memperlihatkan dan menyerahkan Dokumen Perjalanan atau Izin Tinggal yang dimilikinya apabila diminta oleh Pejabat Imigrasi yang bertugas dalam rangka pengawasan Keimigrasian.
We advise that you keep copies of all your relevant immigration documents at both your office and home, just in case you are caught in an occasional 'sweeping' check of expat documents. These are relatively routine operations that are conducted periodically and are not necessarily an effort to harass or otherwise inconvenience the foreign community. They are usually checking for people who are here illegally. If you are here legally and your papers are complete and up-to-date, you have nothing to fear.
Do be careful, however, about bogus officials wanting to check your documents. You should always ask for a 'surat tugas' which is the letter from their office detailing what they are allowed to do in the field. If they don't have a surat tugas ... it would be wise to not show them anything! Ask them to return once they have the surat tugas. Or, refer them to the working spouse's office for any further needed information on documentation.
And by no means pay any bribes to these officials. It would only ensure their repeated return to your place of residence, or encourage them to prey on other unsuspecting foreigners. Again, if you are here legally and have the documents to prove it, there is nothing to fear. If you are approached or threatened by suspicious persons, try to get their names, affiliations and contact numbers.
Lost Documents
If you lose important Civil Registry documents there will be a procedure at the Catatan Sipil office which will help you to obtain new documents. Check with the Catatan Sipil office in your area to find out what will be needed to replace your lost document.
Police letter - SKTLK
You may be required to obtain a etter of loss/Surat Kehilangan from the police - if you lose your marriage book or marriage card. Don't delay in filing a loss report at the nearest police station. In some locals this report/request for the letter can even be made online. This letter can also be need for a lot STNK, ATM card, lost ID card, and other important documents.
Visit the Polsel, Polres, or Polda office nearest you. The time required to administer the Surat Keterangan Tanda Lapor Kehilangan (SKTLK) is relatively short, only about 5-10 minutes. The following are some of the requirements for making a letter of loss at the Police:
1. Show your identity card
2. Prepare the data to be reported. The police will also ask for the approximate location and time of the loss. If you don't remember the exact time and location, you can answer with the closest estimate. Remember the last time you used the lost document. Answer honestly and tell the officer what you remember.
3. Copy of lost document(s) if you have them
Police officers will examine your report and ensure the accuracy of the data you provide. The police will also ask several questions regarding this report of your loss. There shouldn't be any charges for SKTLK services from the Police.
Lost Marriage Books
Lost or damaged Marriage Books issued by the Kantor Urusan Agama (KUA) can be replaced at the KUA office, as per PMA Number 20 of 2019 concerning Marriage Registration there shouldn't be any cost for the replacement document.
If the marriage book is damaged, applicants should bring their ID card, and a photo size 2x3 with a blue background.
If the marriage certificate is lost, bring the Loss Certificate (SKTLK) from the Police, an ID card, and a 2x3 photo with a blue background. If only 1 marriage book is damaged or lost from a pair of marriage books, only 1 will be replaced with a duplicate marriage book.
Lost Birth Certificates
Request for the processing and re-issuance of a lost birth certificate is carried out at the Dukcapil Office (Administrasi Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil) Attach the Document Missing Letter from the Police to the request form, according to the last e-KTP address.
The regulaton governing this can be found in Permendagri No. 108 of 2019 concerning Requirements and Procedures for Population Registration and Civil Registration. Also regulated in Permendagri No. 109 of 2019 concerning Forms and Books Used in Population Administration.
Change of Address / Ganti Alamat
How to Change Address Data at ITAS or ITAP along with the conditions
The first step for foreign residents who want to change their address on their ITAS or ITAP is to carry out an Change of Address procedure at the immigration office in the old domicile area.
The requirements that must be attached when submitting this application include:
- Application form for Change of Address
- Sponsor's KK/KTP (photocopy)
- Guarantee Statement from Sponsor (stamped Rp. 10,000)
- Surat Keterangan Domisili, Passport + photocopies, KITAS, Akta Nikah/Buku Nikah, etc.
The paperwork process generally takes 3 working days. After the process is complete, the applicant will receive immigration documents - you pick up your immigration file from the old immigration office and hand deliver to the new one.
The next step is to take care of the entry move at the immigration office in the new domicile area. General requirements that need to be prepared are documents from the immigration office at the old domicile, Application for new Address Entry, Statement and Guarantee, Original Passport and Photocopy and Surat Keterangan Domicile of the new address.
If you are the sponsor of a foreign spouse, if you need a letter template for a change of address report to Indonesian civil authorities, here are several that were shared by a C-4 member. Adjust to fix your needs and affix a meterai to the letter and sign over the meterai:
Letter to request change of address - to whom it may concern
Letter to RT/RW/Lurah
Letter to Civil Registry/Catatan Sipil
Letter to Immigration Guaranteeing expenses for sponsored foreigner
Mini Glossary
VITAS - Temporary Stay Permit Visa (Visa Izin Tinggal Terbatas)
ITAS = Izin Tinggal Terbatas (Temporary Stay Permit). This is the immigration status/permit by itself. It is materialized by the stamp in your passport that the immigration offices stamps into your passport every year.
eITAS - Eletronic version of the former card that was issued as your Temporary Stay Permit
KITAS = Kartu Izin Tinggal Terbatas (Temporary Stay Permit Card). This is the yellow card that Immigration will give you after the ITAS has been granted.
ITAP = Izin Tinggal Tetap (Permanent Stay Permit). This is the immigration status/permit by itself. It is evident by the stamp that the immigration office stamps into your passport.
KITAP = Kartu Izin Tinggal Terbatas (Permanent Stay Permit Card). This is the blue card that immigration will give you after the ITAP has been granted.
RPTKA - Expatriate Placement Plan
TKA - Tenaga Kerja Asing - foreign worker
DPKK - Dana Pengembangan Keahlian dan Keterampilan - Skill & Development Fund Fee
Notification - (formerly IMTA- Izin Mempekerjakan Tenaga Kerja Asing) = Work Permit for foreigner
Kementerian Tenaga Kerja - Ministry of Manpower
Kantor Imigrasi - Immigration office
DitJen Imigrasi - Directorate General of Immigration
Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia - Ministry of Justice and Human Rights
OA - orang asing -
foreign person
WNI - Indonesian Citizen - warga negara Indonesia
WNA - Foreign Citizen - warga negara asing
Our thanks to Ratna Agustina of Rami Formality Services, Marilyn Ardipradja, and other community members for all their help with updates on this page!
Partially updated September 16, 2024.