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Aliansi Pelangi Antar Bangsa

Aliansi Pelangi Antar Bangsa (APAB) was established in September 2002 and is a coalition of various groups involved in or concerned with mixed marriages domiciled both within and outside Indonesia. Its mission is to advocate for changes in the laws or policies that discriminate against and disadvantage women, the families of Indonesians married to foreigners, and Indonesians in general.

APAB strives for equal rights for women and men with regard to citizenship, immigration, trusteeship, and inheritance; the right to dual citizenship and/or the status of ‘permanent resident’ for the family members of mixed Indonesian-foreign marriages the ‘foreign’ family members (spouses and children) of mixed Indonesian-foreign marriages to be allowed to work in Indonesia under certain conditions.

Contact Nia Schumacher, Ketua niak_schumacher@yahoo.com for more information

Last updated March 24, 2018