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ITAS Renewal for Children:
A do-it-yourself guide

I just have spent the last two weeks renewing my two son's ITAS. I would like to share information so that other expats can benefit. The immigration don't readily give out step by step procedures and the agents (biro jasa) have been a major hindrance in my previous experience.

There are three major stages in ITAS renewal for children. The official fee is Rp 800,000 (non-electronic) or Rp 1,000,000 (electronic) (4/2014). The child always follows the ITAS of his/her father. The sponsor is the employer of the father, or if the mother or father is Indonesian then the sponsor must be the Indonesian parent.

At least 1 month before the father's ITAS expires, you must renew the child's ITAS. There is a fine for being late, eg. my ITAS expires on November 6th so I had to renew my children's ITAS before October 6th.

Step 1. Immigration Office. Go to the immigration office for the wilayah that you live in and go to the foreigner's counter and tell them you'd like to extend your child's ITAS (perpanjangan ITAS anak saya) and ask for their help.

Request a form (formulir) and folder (map) from the section that offers them (in West Jakarta it's upstairs where they sell sweets and stationery). Forms and folders should be free. Also buy a meterai (tax stamp) for Rp 10,000 to stick on the completed form. You can get the form beforehand and fill it out at home if you wish.

Make sure you have all necessary documents and at least 2 photocopies of each document, including the completed form. There is a photocopier nearby. (I went back and forth numerous times). Documents needed include:

  • Passports of all family members,
  • Photocopy of inside information page of passport,
  • Birth certificate for each child,
  • Marriage certificate,
  • Kartu Keluarga (for those children with an Indonesian parent),
  • KTP of Indonesian parent)
  • At least 3 photos of ITAS size.

Going from one desk to the next and waiting will take the good part of the day. It took my wife and I five and a half hours.

Once given the ok for everything, you are ready for the next stage. (There is no official fee requested yet but you will be told to pay Rp 10,000 and Rp 20,000 here and there for "tips".

2. Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Hukum dan HAM at Cawang (for those living in Jakarta). Just get your letter stamped and you are on your way. It took my wife 3 days to get this stamp. They are always "in meetings" or otherwise occupied. I was told that Rp 200,000 is the normal "tip" to speed things up. We didn't pay and were treated very rudely and had to wait 3 days. Don't lose your cool. They kept telling my wife to go back to immigration because things were incomplete. (Check after step 1 that in your brown envelope you have all the letters for all your children, not just 1.)

3. Back to immigration. This may take most of the day as well. You need to go from one desk to the next. The official fee payment is Rp 400,000.

4. After 3 working days you can pick up the ITAS.

Your children don't have to accompany you. It creates more sympathy, however, if they do come. I spoke entirely in Indonesian, and I don't know how you'd complete this process smoothly, if you only spoke a foreign language.

Our thanks to Mark Ogilvie for sharing his experiences with us all and to Atlantis for updates!

Last updated December 16, 2020