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First Aid Courses in Indonesia
First Aid Training for Adults
PT Asih Eka Abadi - Training Center offers a range of first aid courses in Bahasa Indonesia and English conducted by qualified instructors with vast experiences in medical emergencies and is accredited by American Heart Association.
The objectives of these courses are to build the participants’ abilities and prepare them to respond appropriately in a medical emergency.The program emphasizes practical skills, and therefore each class size is limited to 10 - 12 participants for a more effective skills practice.
CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) and AED (Automated External Defibrillator) Program
This course teaches adult CPR, how to use an AED, how to relieve choking in an adult and focuses on essential skills to save a life.
First Aid Level One
Duration (one day)
This course will teach you how to apply basic first aid knowledge and skills to respond to medical emergencies.
First Aid Level Two
Duration (two days)
This course teaches intermediate level of first aid knowledge and skills and will equip you with valuable skills in a medical emergency.
First Aid Level Three
Duration (three days)
This course provides advanced level knowledge and skills on first aid for injuries and medical emergencies.
First Aid Training Special Programmes
First Aid Awareness
This is a non-certified program to raise awareness on First Aid and the importance of being prepared for any type of emergency
First Aid for Emergency Response Team
Duration (between three to four days)
This course provides an advanced level of training for your Emergency Response Team (ERT).
This course is recommended for workplace emergency response teams
Multiple Casualty Incident Plan
Duration (two days)
This course addresses the responsibilities of mass casualty incident management at the workplace. Participants will learn how to run a Multiple Casualty Incident (MCI) in conjunction with the Emergency Response Plan (usually conducted after the three-day First Aid Level 3 training).
This course is recommended for workplace emergency response teams
International Trauma Life Support (ITLS) Training
This course teaches skills necessary to recognize mechanisms of injury, perform an organized, time-efficient assessment, prioritise and perform critical intervention and appropriately package and transport the trauma patient.
This program is only open to medical personnel.
We also offer First Aid for Child and Infant - for child minders
>For further information on our Training programs, please contact our Sales & Marketing Department at 021-750-5973, or email DL.JKT.SM.Marcomm@internationalsos.com or DL.JKT.Sales&Marketing@internationalsos.com<
Last updated April 30, 2024