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Yayasan KITA
Yayasan Harapan Permata Hati Kita
Addiction Treatment & Recovery Community Center
Villa Pandawa YAKITA
Jl. Ciasin No 21 - RT 01 / RW10
Desa Bendungan, Ciawi, Bogor
Jawa Barat - Indonesia
Tel. (0251) 824-3069
Fax (0251) 824-3005
Email yakitaindonesia.hq@gmail.com
Yayasan Harapan Permata Hati Kita or YAKITA is a non profit organization that works in the area of addiction treatment and recovery and have programs that provide training and education in these areas.
Founded in 1999, YAKITA addiction treatment and recovery community center is open for Indonesians and foreigners alike. Our facilitators are Indonesians as well as expatriates with international expertise in counseling, addiction, HIV/AIDS, Sexually transmitted Diseases, Reproductive Health, and related areas.
Our recovery center is the most comprehensive addiction treatment and recovery program available in the country currently using both Indonesian and English in our daily residential programs. Supported by the Ford Foundation as a Center for ExcellenceYAKITA is written as a successful intervention treatment and aftercare program in book published by UNODC (United Nations Office for Drug and Crime) and ESCAP titled “Adolescent Substance Abuse: Risk and Protection” in 2003.
Recovery center is open for all nationals. English is spoken in Bogor centers (1 hour outside Jakarta). Our other centres are Indonesian speaking only.
- In-house Detoxification (supervised natural detoxification process)
- 1 - 6 month residential recovery program for males - and for females
- 6 month residential - Peer Counseling Training Program
- Relapse Intervention Program
- Crisis Intervention
- Counseling Service for addicts and families of addicts
- Parent Aftercare Meetings and Aftercare for Addicts as well as the general community
- Community based 12 Step Programs of Narcotics Anonymous meetings (call 0251-8244375 for information)
- Community based support groups for HIV positive addicts and their families
- Community based Training and Outreach Program
- Harm Reduction and Risk Reduction Programs
Recovery Centers:
Ciawi, West Java (HQ)Banda Aceh
Contact us with the information above to get details on these recovery centers.
Last updated March 1, 2013