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Toastmasters International Clubs in Jakarta
There are 43 Toastmasters Clubs in Jakarta and 78 clubs in Indonesia, all of which are under Toastmasters International in U.S.A. Find the contact info for these clubs at Toastmasters International.
Kebayoran Club
Chevron Jakarta Office
Sentral Senayan I/II Office Tower
Jl Asia Afrika No. 8
Club Meeting Schedule: every Tuesday from 11.30-13.00
Website www.toastmasters.org or https://kebayorantoastmastersclub.toastmastersclubs.org/
Contact persons
President: Kevin Simmons, Kevin.Simmons@Chevron.com
Vice President Education: Paramita Susetyo, paramita_sastrosatomo@yahoo.com
Membership in Toastmasters International
Meetings are open to everyone – visitors, members of other clubs, and non-members. If you are interested, please contact one of the officers above to confirm the conference room. A contribution of Rp. 10,000 is collected for coffee, tea and snacks. Currently there are about 30 members of the Kebayoran Club. Most activities are held in English.
The cost of membership is a $20 initial fee plus $36 every six months (roughly Rp. 360,000) which includes a monthly magazine directly from the US to your home. When you join you will receive two manuals – Competent Communication and Competent Leadership.
Membership entitles a person to become the speaker and leader you want to be! Toastmasters offers a proven way to improve your communication skills. By participating in a fun and supportive Toastmasters group, you'll become a better speaker and leader and gain confidence to succeed in whatever path you've chosen in life.
- Deliver great presentations
- Easily lead teams and conduct meetings
- Give and receive constructive evaluations
- Be a better listener
Jakarta Toastmasters Club
Established: October 1979 #4067 - Area 1 - Division I - District 87
The first Toastmasters Club in Indonesia, established in 1979. Mission of the Club is to provide a mutually supportive and positive learning environment in which every members have the opportunity to develop communication and leadership skills which in turn foster self esteem.
Email jtc79@ymail.com
Website www.jakartatoastmastersclub.blogspot.com
Club meeting every Monday, 6:30-9:00 pm
Menara Kuningan F2 Floor, Alpha L Room
Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav 5, Karet Kuningan, Setiabudi - Jakarta Selatan
(near Setiabudi one,opposite Australian Embassy)
JTC Executive Committee (Exco) 2016-2017:
President (CP): Mohammad Fattah Akbar Datau, CC, CL | HP: 0813-490 88 469 | Email mfakbar.d@gmail.com
VP Education (VPE):Maria Yulianti Sinaga | HP: 0813 1088 3760 | Email yulianti.maria@gmail.com
VP Membership (VPM): Lunardi Ramli | HP: 0818 0824 3408 | Email lunardi.ramli@yahoo.co.id
VP Public Relations (VPPR): Andreas Kristanto Baskoro |HP: 0856 8354 898| Email andreskrist@gmail.com
Secretary (CS):Cindy Dessidia Gamal |HP : 0812 1787 0000 | Email cindygamal@gmail.com
Treasurer (CT): Magdalena Sihotang | HP: 0813 7910 7860 | Email magdalena.sihotang27@gmail.com
Sergeant-at-Arms (SAA): Edho Pramana | HP : 0857 3067 1111 | Email edhokey76@gmail.com
Immediate Past President (IPP): Reza Rizky Pratama | HP: 0856 4565 9200 | Email rezarzky@gmail.com
Disclaimer: These contact details are for the purpose of Toastmasters club activities. The use for any other purpose such as marketing promotion or database collection of other activities are not permittable.
Updated 9/2016
Jakarta Bahasa (JaBaT) Toastmasters Club (Bahasa Indonesia)
Meeting every second Saturday, at Menara Kuningan F2, Jalan Rasuna Said, (opposite Australian Embassy) from 10.00-12.00, for more information go to https://jakartabahasa.toastmastersclubs.org/
Contact person: Anindya Pratama P, anindya.pratamap@gmail.com
Last updated on June 14, 2013