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Asociacion Iberoamericana (AIA)
(fomerly Spanish Speaking Women's Association)

Asociacion Iberoamericana AIA
Email iberoamericanayakarta@gmail.com, asociacioniberoamericana@yahoo.com
Tel. 0812-98634769
The Iberoamerican Association is a non profit organization of multinational members, mainly from Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries with an interest to learn, practice, and share their cultures. It was funded in 1978 by Spanish speaking and Indonesian ladies who saw the need and advantages of having a Spanish speaking group.
We have around 95 members, and our goals are to connect our community of members with this wonderful country of Indonesia, provide a venue for activities in Spanish; and most importantly, support our diverse social welfare programs through our Social Welfare activities.
Annual membership: Rp 600,000
6 month Membership: Rp 400,000 (only available as of July)
Membership entitles a person to:
- Attend the monthly Coffee Morning at Rp 80,000 for members and Rp 150,000 for non- members.
- Family members pay Rp 120,000
- Participate at a preferential fee in activities sponsored by the Association.
- Participate in weekly or monthly activities for members and/or family members.
- Have the opportunity to participate in Association community programs, such as charity or social events.
- Have opportunity to write articles in “El Pregonero,” our quarterly magazine.
- Participate in New Member Welcome Coffee held twice a year.
About Iberoamerican Association:
The Iberoamerican Association has three main objectives:
- To connect our community of members with this wonderful country of Indonesia and promote friendship and cultural exchange.
- Promote our language and provide a venue for activities in Spanish.
- Support our diverse social welfare programs in Indonesia through our Social Welfare Committee.
- Monthly Coffee Mornings: Every third Thursday of the month a different country represented in our Association hosts this event with a demonstration of typical food, music, and dances to create an enjoyable morning for our members and special guests.
- Quarterly visits with the recipients of charitable contributions.
- Summer luncheons
- Mother’s Day Luncheon
- Fashion Show Luncheon
- Christmas Luncheon
- Cooking, sewing, reading, language and games are among other activities.
- Welcome Lunch
- Latin Coffee Morning
- Carnival Party
- Tennis Tournament
- Mother’s day
- Fashion Show
- Mexican Dinner
- 60s Party
- Christmas Lunch
Other events like Wine Tasting and Family BBQ will also take place depending on time and availability. We also have supplies for rent, as tables, chairs, plates, clutery, available in our office at Jalan Brawijaya 1 A, send na e-mail and we can arrange it for you.
We provide a helping hand in Indonesia, for more information visit us in Facebook or our web page:
Last updated July 28, 2016