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Soroptimist International of Jakarta
Soroptimist International of Jakarta
Membership is open to expatriate and Indonesian women. Current members total 15. Cost of membership Rp 920,000 per annum.
Membership entitles you to become a member of Soroptimist worldwide, to serve your local community, country and the world. Members can attend meetings of other Soroptimist clubs throughout the world and participate in international meetings and conferences. The Club in Indonesia was established in 1992.
Regular monthly meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at the Mercantile Athletic Club, World Trade Center. Activities are held in English and Bahasa Indonesia.
About Soroptimist Jakarta:
Soroptimist International is a worldwide organization of service clubs for women in responsible positions in professions, business, trade and industry pledged to serve their community, their country and the world. The organization has direct access to the UN and a voice at the UN Centers in New York, Geneva, Vienna, Paris and Rome. As the world's largest women's service organization, Soroptimist is established in over 124 countries.
Soroptimist clubs are autonomous, but work generally within the program areas of Economic and Social Development, Education, Environment, Health, Status of Women and International Goodwill and Understanding.
In Indonesia, service projects have included:
1) Scholarship funding for an Indonesian university student, managed by Yayasan Goodwill International through which a volunteer instructor (an SIJ member) provides Leadership Training.
2) Krueng Kalla Micro-Hydro Power Project, Aceh
SIJ funded, in collaboration with Ms. Tri Mumpuni, a social entrepreneur and founder of IBEKA, for the construction of a micro hydro power plant in the rural village of Krueng Kalla, Aceh. The partnership aims to assist the Krueng Kalla village to become self-sufficient in the area of electricity power generation using renewable energy sources by focusing on improving the economic status of women through income generating activities. This project integrates energy services for poverty reduction activities through assistance in infrastructure, income generation and capacity building in an area devastated by the 2004 tsunami.
3) Padang Community Center Project
An earthquake struck off the coast of western Sumatra on September 30, 2009 causing massive destruction to the city of Padang. SIJ received funds to build a community learning center. This is a joint project between SI and Titian Foundation to build a library and computer / study room for students and women's groups in Padang.
4) Jogya Earthquake Aid: SIJ channeled contributions from SI Okazaki, SI Chuo and SI Clubs worldwide, to support the rebuilding of the Bayat School complex, and a teachers’ training program in the earthquake-hit area of Jogya, Central Java, through Yayasan Titian Masa Depan.
5) Aceh Tsunami Aid: The Rebuilding of Lamreh Village (Aceh) Project, was completed in September 2006. In all, SIJ raised US$1.7 million for the construction of 200 houses, a primary school, kindergarten, playground, clinic, community hall, a women’s centre and a market.
For more information about Soroptimist, please contact:
President: Isla Rogers-Winarto
National Representative: Kirti Peniwati
Honorary Secretary: Lucy Heffern
Email sijakarta@siswp.org
Updated March 14, 2012