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Singapore Association in Indonesia

Singapore Association in Indonesia
Villa Melati Mas M5 No.7 Serpong, Tangerang 15323, Jakarta    
Tel. 62-811 954 671 Fax 62-21 5315 4650 
Email SporeAssociation@gmail.com
Website www.singaporean.id/

Or, contact SAI’s President, Mr. Gus Goh at (62-21) 751-2001

Office Hours: 9:00am–5:00pm. Monday-Friday

Membership is opened to all Men, Women and Children who are Singaporeans and Singapore Permanent Residents. Other nationalities are most welcomed to join as Associate Members (with approval of the EXCO Committee). SAI is a non-profit organization and our inexpensive annual membership fees are meant to help us defray administrative and operational costs of the SAI secretariat.

Every year an Executive Committee headed by the SAI President is elected to plan and manage the programs and activities of SAI. The members of the Ex-Co are Singaporeans and Singapore PR volunteers who are nominated by the members of SAI at the annual general meeting. These volunteers devote their time and efforts to foster stronger bonds amongst Singaporeans in Indonesia and share the same ideal in promoting an amicable and positive Singapore image to our host, Indonesia and to the other nationalities that we co-exist with here. SAI regularly organises social, sports, recreational, business-talks and networking activities for the benefit of members at cost prices and, when opportunity arises, at sponsored gatherings and get-together. All activities are held in English.

SAI would not be effective in playing our role without the support of the Singapore community, and our Indonesian and international friends. Whether financially, in kind or in service, SAI welcome all who wishes to contribute to our cause:

  • To foster stronger bonding and better friendship amongst Singaporeans in Indonesia
  • To build stronger and closer relationships with our Indonesian friends
  • To establish stronger and closer ties with international communities in Indonesia
  • To promote and project an amicable and positive image of Singapore and Singaporeans
  • To be the bridge between business and social communities in Singapore and in Indonesia

Services offered to newcomers in the expatriate community-at-large:

  • Advice on overcoming culture shock
  • Introductions to fellow Singaporeans, Indonesian and other communities and the Embassy
  • Advice on local amenities and conditions (living necessities, maids, drivers, housing, schools, local practices and taboos)


Regular monthly gatherings are held on the last Wednesday of each month. Other regular activities include: Singapore Community Lunch, Singapore National Day Observation, and Annual Dinner


  • Sports activites are organized for members, including: bowling, tennis, squash, fun biking and jogs, depending on the interest of participants.
  • SAI organizes recreational activities for its members and their guests, such as: Art classes, Batik making classes, Ballroom
    Dancing, Makan-Makan culinary feasts etc.
  • SAI organises Talks and Seminars on various business and social topics by reputable, credible and professional speakers and personalities


Last updated April 30, 2010