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Cub Scouts of America - Jakarta Pack 3455

Contact Person

General Queries:  info@scouting.id

Brook Ross, Cubmaster for Jakarta Cub Scout Pack 3455



Membership is open to boys of all nationalities. Current pack membership total is about 50 boys. Cost of annual membership is around USD150 (excluding uniforms).

As a member in the Boy Scouts of America, as well as Jakarta Pack 3455, a boy is part of a den (divided by grade level) and entitled to participate in all pack and den activities. Activities are held in English.

Boy Scouts of America is a youth program of character development and value-based leadership training. Scouts offers fun and adventure, lifetime values, training young people in citizenship and to serve communities and families.

Each den organizes individual activities for their boys. These activities generally focus on earning a badge. The pack also has many events such as the Pinewood Derby, Raingutter Regatta, Blue and Gold Banquet, hiking trips and camp-outs.

Regular weekly meetings are held around Jakarta - the venues depend on the general area where the scouts live and normally at the American Club.

Newcomers are invited to inquire about membership at any time. Please have a look at www.scouting.id for further information or drop an email to info@scouting.id.

For general information on Cub Scouts around the world, see www.scouting.org.

Last updated July 7, 2016