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Expat Living Outside Jakarta
While the majority of expatriates in Indonesia are concentrated in the greater Jakarta area (Jabotadebek - Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, Depok, and Bekasi), there are sizeable populations of expatriates throughout the archipelago. Needless to say, living situations vary greatly the further you get from Jakarta and from island to island.
This page will serve as a link list to information on our site which applies specifically to these far-flung communities.
International Schools Outside Jakarta
Community Groups in Areas Outside Jakarta
Shopping for Essentials from the Provinces
Worship Services in Foreign Languages
SOS Medical Clinics and Alarm Centers around Indonesia
Listing of Indonet ISP sub-net branches throughout 34 cities in Indonesia (click the presence link)
Information and advice from expatriate community members
Balikpapan, Samarinda, and Bontang, Kalimantan
Surakarta (Solo), Central Java
If you live in one of these communities and would be willing to update or add information to your town's page, we would be most appreciative. Just contact us!