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Internet Access Options in Indonesia

Indonet - Indonesia's First ISP
This page is generously sponsored by Indonet.

In recent years, great strides have been made in the development of telecommunications infrastructure in Indonesia so that there is now an enticing array of alternative services providing ever-quicker Internet access for consumers in Indonesia. When the internet was launched in Indonesia in 1998 it reached 134,000 subscribers; by 2014 that figure had grown to 80 million.

ISPs are Internet Service Providers, who in Indonesia provide email, web hosting and related services. There are many Indonesian ISPs with licenses to operate in Indonesia that offer stable services. Several ISPs are more popular than others due to wider bandwidth, better customer service and better pricing. Several international ISPs also offer services or local access numbers in Indonesia (AOL and AT&T), with US dollar fees.

For current information on the internet (in Indonesia), visit this website www.apjii.or.id

One of the biggest differences between ISPs is their bandwidth management. Most ISPs purchase bandwidth from Indosat, the Indonesian international telecommunications firm. See Explaining Bandwidth.

Choosing an ISP

Not all ISPs are created equal! When comparing various ISPs to try to determine which to subscribe to - look at the following factors:

Premium Dial-Up Services

Several of the ISPs offer premium dial-up services to their customers. What you get for the increased cost (per minute or hour) is more successful dial-ups (less busy signals) and lower rate of users to bandwidth, thus faster access.Ask your ISP if they offer this service.

A big step up from Dial-up would be to install a T1 internet line. This is usually only feasible for offices, as the cost is significant. A T1 line means that the phone company has installed a fiber optic cable in your office. While much better than a regular phone line, the connection is only as good as the entire route of the line - inside and outside your physical office.

Broadband Internet Connections

Simply, broadband Internet connections can be seen as those that don't utilize traditional phone lines with their 'narrow bands' for transmitting data. Broadband services include co-axial or fiber-optic cable, satellite, microwave, and infra-red links access methods. There are more than a dozen ISPs offering some sort of broadband access to their customers in Indonesia. Broadband is most suited for people who utilize their Internet connection at least four to five hours a day or for a group of users.

More information on service providers, services and tarrifs for Mobile Broadband Providers in Indonesia

Broadband Cable Connections

Several cable companies offer broadband connections to the Internet through co-axial cable with multimedia capabilities. Your connection to the Internet is through a television (or other) cable, instead of a phone line. Broadband cable is capable of carrying multiple channels of rich video, voice and high-speed data, simultaneously. With cable TV connections, you must subscribe to the cable television programming before you can receive the broadband internet connection.

The first companies offering this service utilized ATM systems with a cable modem. When it became apparent that this system was inadequate for the growing number of ISPs/subscribers, and with the advent of new technology, most of the multimedia cable networks throughout the world switched over to the DOCSIS system (Data Over Cable Service Interface Specifications). This is the worldwide cable modem standard supported by all major equipment manufacturers. When a cable company uses DOCSIS, the customer has the option of more suppliers to purchase/lease the modem from.

While some cable companies claim that their network is capable of transmitting 10 mbps or more, you need to accept these numbers cautiously. Yes, the cable company's cables and fiber optic lines may be capable of transmission at that speed, but once you connect through their system to your ISP, you are limited by your ISP's bandwidth to the Internet. It's not so much the provider, when it's cable; it's how many users and how they use the net that are on your particular segment that matters.

Some Broadband Service providers:

First Media FastNet

Advantages of cable internet connection

Disadvantages of cable internet connection

Cable Connection Costs

Costs differ for personal or corporate subscribers. For corporate subscribers, broadband cable companies offer packages with different bandwidth alternatives, either shared or dedicated. Needless to say, the larger the bandwidth, the higher the cost and the greater the number of users the slower the access speed.

How cable connections work

Basically your connection to your ISP from your home/office initially runs through the cable company's co-axial cable network. From the cable company's system the connection to your chosen ISP is via fiber optic cable which is capable of transmitting data at 100 mbps. Once you have accessed your ISP, your connection then utilizes their bandwidth to the Internet. Levels of service and speed differ from ISP to ISP.

Most cable companies offer their subscribers several ISPs to choose from. Each ISP has different rates and differing packages of service, some including the cost of the cable modem and some offering the cable modem for lease. Again, ask friends who utilize the cable company which ISP they are using and which has the best reputation and level of service.

Some offices and apartment towers, especially within the Golden Triangle, offer cable broadband connections to their tenants. When choosing lease space, ask the building management about these facilities. Other companies have chosen to open small offices in Serviced Offices to enable them to take advantage of the already existing broadband connection.

Over a dozen ISPs now offer broadband services in Indonesia, contact your ISP to see what they offer.

Satellite-based Internet Access

The hardware needed to connect to the satellite receiver includes a transmitter, usually a small parabola/satellite dish which is used to download data. Depending on the service provider, you may, or may not, still utilize an ISP's bandwidth for uplinks, limiting your speed.

Many office and apartment buildings in Jakarta offer broadband satellite access to their tenants. They connect your office's PCs through a LAN operated by the building management, who has purchased the necessary transmitter equipment for connection via satellite to the Internet. As with other kinds of access, the speed will depend on the whether your bandwidth is dedicated or shared, and number of users on the bandwidth.

Contact your ISP to see if they offer satellite access, or call PT Telkom, or Inmarsat for further information.

Digital Subscriber Line Connection (DSL and ADSL)

Known as Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) and Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) these lines are a part of Telkom's Multi-Media Access project which offers high-speed/always-on Internet access in parts of several larger metropolitan areas. DSL connections cost more than ADSL because they are NOT asymmetric. The download and upload speeds are the same, whereas for ADSL, they are different (and cheaper).

High-speed data transfer over regular phone lines is difficult (if not impossible) in Indonesia, because it requires telephone lines of high quality which are fine-tuned for high-speed data transfer and a sophisticated infrastructure. Most existing phone lines do not meet this criteria.

If your residence/office is within five kilometers of a telephone switching office, and if your neighborhood is already covered by ADSL service, you maybe able to get a DSL line installed. Check with PT Telkom (Tel. 147) to see if your location qualifies.

ADSL uses the same copper wires that run from your phone operator's switching office into your house/office. However, the circuits have been fine-tuned so that the same phone line can also transfer digital data at high speed. You can continue to use the same line for phone conversations and fax transmission while your PC is accessing the Internet.

Providers usually offer different classes of ADSL services - and the monthly subscription cost varies depending on the speed, with a one time registration cost. Additional fees per minute may be changed, depending on the level of your traffic.

Unfortunately, just like in dial-up connections, you will be charged for both the phone bill and the Internet access connection. You still need to subscribe to an ISP to use this service. Contact your ISP to find out if they offer ADSL connections services utilizing Telkom's ADSL lines.

Some ADSL providers:
Telkom Speedy

(source credit: Zatni Arbi of the Jakarta Post for materials used in this section)

One expat's experience with Telkom Speedy (August 2014):

I have also made numerous complaints to Telkom about their Speedy services, and tested many different levels of service.

My eventual conclusion was that Speedy is almost a WORLD CLASS, and probably the BEST VALUE for anyone willing to pay Rp140.000+/month for an internet service. Telkom seems able to do this because they can use their existing fixed line infrastructure, while their competitors must either install new cables, or compete for access to the very overloaded mobile phone infrastructure.

The ONLY PROBLEM is that the service is much slower than what Telkom tells customers they will get. My experiences suggest (and this seems consistent with others) is that the maximum speeds for downloads are almost always between 10% and 16% of the advertised speeds. However, this is still very good because average speeds will be over 80% of that (from any fast data sources).

Complaints about slower than expected speeds are futile. There is nothing staff can do, because the system is functioning exactly as it was designed. Staff are not told how the system works, and will disbelieve any foreigner who describes it to them accurately.

I sincerely recommend expats recognize they would be very happy if only they had been told what to expect, accurately and in advance. I suggest they should:

I used to think speed restrictions were triggered by some unknown of data quotas. I now see that as an example of a common mistake by recently arrived expats - assuming some sort of logic and integrity must exist to explain the actions of a local bureaucracy.

I now think the management of Telkom knows it cannot possibly afford to provide all of the services they sell to customers. They (really) must restrict speeds to prevent their infrastructure becoming overloaded. They have decided to lie to customers and staff about the existence of restrictions – to allow continual adjustments needed to balance the demands of new customers while additional infrastructure is being rolled out.

It has been a real education for me. I would have been spared extreme levels of frustration if I had thought Telkom may want customers to not know how their system works, so they may alter it however they please. I may then just compared what I was getting to other services, and decided Speedy was by far the best.

Another person's experience with ADSL via Telkom in Bali:

Our first experience with internet in Indonesia was through the use of a dial-up service named TELKOMNet Instan. This service is charged to your monthly phone bill. Cost per minute Rp 150 (Excluding 10% PPN). Because we send a lot of email with photo attachments, our phone bill was getting quite high. Also, the speed of the connection was sometimes very slow.

I knew that on Java a service called ADSL Speedy was available, After reading an article on the website off Telkom that there was a so-called soft introduction of this service on Bali, I made inquiries at the branch office of Telkom Denpasar. After a quick check by the woman at the helpdesk to see if our number was in the correct range, we were asked to come to the office to apply for connection to Speedy.

After filling out the required forms and paying a connection fee of Rp 150.000, we were told that the activation of the ADSL connection would be done within 2 days! Next, we were handed a list of approved modem/routers. Included on the list were the addresses of shops that were selling the modems. The nearest shop was next door to the Telkom office. So off we went.

The model we opted for, a wireless modem/router was not available at the moment.
However, it could be ordered and delivered within one week. Within the week the modem arrived, was installed, and setup by the technicians. The installation service, including settings made on our two laptops, was included in the purchase price.

Though there are three packages available on Java, there is only one on Bali.

After we used Speedy for about three weeks, the line went dead. with no connection and no phone. After a call to Telkom, within 30 minutes two technicians showed up and fixed the problem. Apparently, it was caused by a bad connection due to the rainy season.

For some reason at the same time the necessary settings of the modem had disappeared. After calling the vendor of the modem again a technician arrived and restored the settings with no charge for their after-sales service!

Up until now we have only experienced a slow connection one time. After inquiring at the helpdesk we were informed that the slow connection was caused by maintenance and backbone trouble in the Java-Singapore connection.

So far we are very pleased with Speedy. Also the service from both Telkomsel and the modem-vendor is excellent. Both times that we encountered difficulties the helpdesk was most helpful.

Modem vendor CV. Istidata Dps Jl. Teuku Umar 8/B2
Branch office Speedy Telkomsel Jl. Teuku Umar 6
Help Desk Speedy 0361 228999 (Ms Dian)
Website www.speedytelkom.com

John Metselaar

Feedback from another Speedy user: I live in Bali and my internet connection is quite OK (2Mbs/512kbs) using Telkom Speedy. Speedy has several available options here.

Wireless Connections

Wireless services connect users to the Internet utilizing wavelan, laser link and microwave. Microwave transmission uses high-frequency radio waves that travel through the air. Because they cannot bend with the curvature of the earth, they can only be transmitted over short sitances. Microwave is ideal for data transmissions between buildings, and can also be relayed through means of dishes or antennas.

Your ISP or computer service provider may be able to assist you in looking at the various wireless options and help you to source the necessary equipment. Infra-red links is a preferred method because it does not require any frequency license and is less prone to interference from adjacent links.

Many service providers are now featuring a DSL and wireless connectivity modem with a USB modem. This modem is perfect for laptop/notebook users and allows them to be connected whereever they go. Be aware that some companies offer better coverage than others and you should inquire as to the range of the modem prior to purchase to make sure you will not be disappointed in the speed and the areas that you can use the service.

The following advice from an Expat Forum poster explains this option well:

My ISP has a microwave receiver. For distances up to about 2-3 km, and providing there is line of sight to the receiver, this is an excellent method of connecting to an ISP 'wireless'. Unfortunately, the microwave hardware is about USD3,500 to purchase, so may only be of interest to companies. There is cheaper microwave hardware available and also capabilities for shared usage with many users on one microwave system.

Microwave supports bandwidth up to 2048 kbps, and unlike a telephone line there are no media and line rental costs. So, other than the cost of the hardware, all you pay is for the ISP membership. In Indonesia you also need a microwave transmitter license, approximately Rp 1,000,000 (USD100) per annum.

I'm based in the Jakarta Stock Exchange building about 2.5 km from my ISP's receiver and have experienced no problems with a single unit operating 150 users for Internet plus our own web server with a 256 kbps ISP subscription. Microwave hardware may also be used for telephone/video calls, usually about 40 simultaneous calls may be supported.

Re: Wireless Internet (EVDO using Fren)"I have recently bought a PCMCIA data card that uses the CDMA EVDO cellular line of Mobile-8. It cost me 3 million for the data card, and i pay monthly around 150,000 Rp for super fast connection. The maximum data rate is 2.4 Mb per second, but i usually get download speeds of around 300 KB/s. The great thing about this is i can use this on my laptop and go anywhere in Jakarta and still be able to use the EVDO data card with the same speed. There are 3 types of packets to choose from using their services and i opted for the cheapest (200 MB free per month with 2Rp per KB charged if exceeded) packet and am sofar very pleased with it." August 2006

Wi-Fi Hot Spots

The Wi-Fi Map helps you locate WiFi hotspots throughout the world. It also provides assistance in learning to setup and use WiFi. Alternately, purchase a Hotspot Locator, Wi-Fi Locator or Hotspot Finder device - just Google those terms. Both the Intego and Hawking hotspot finders find the strongest signal and indicate signal strength with lights.

Explaining Bandwidth

Thanks to a visitor to the Expat Forum (BigJon) for the following explanation of just what bandwidth is!

Definition: bits-per-second transmission capability of a channel is called its bandwidth.

You have to imagine bandwidth as a 'tunnel', in one example with 50 mbps across. In other words, at any one point in time either a 'packet' of data or many packets of data up to a total of 50 mbps may pass through together, all at the very same time. Other packets will be in front and behind these packets just like passengers getting on a train through a door.

Sometimes, with many users at the same time the packets of data are squeezed in order that they may fit through the 50 mbps tunnel. This has the effect of slowing down the speed in which you receive data.

Very large packets of data are often 'shaped' so that they fit through the bandwidth alongside other data packets. This also helps ensure the data is received complete as with say program downloads.

Therefore, ISPs are able to sell access to many thousands of people. The problem arises when they all connect at the same time! All ISPs, however, claim that usage is monitored and if data transmission speeds regularly slow down then they purchase more bandwidth.

There are some other tricks, such as dividing the total bandwidth across subscriber groups, so that the true bandwidth you have access to is not a total of 50 mbps, but less. Individual consumers rarely have preferential treatment over corporate customers of ISPs.

Having dedicated packet access is a more specific method of purchasing bandwidth, whereby you are guaranteed a minimum connection speed at all times for a typical packet of data.

Other problems also relate to the bandwidth that the portal/gateway you are accessing is able to support, for example the Indonesian Internet Exchange (IIX) and the exchanges of other countries less advanced than say the US and Europe.

Similarly, the medium you use to receive data may slow down the speed. Although fiber optic cables technically allow data to move at the speed of light, the number of routers between you and the ISP's gateway will effect performance. Similarly, if the medium changes in microwave transmissions before getting to you then this may also effect performance, particularly on a smoggy day in Jakarta.”

Connection Speed

At times we all feel a little 'in the dark' when discussing connection-related terminology with our ISP, and we worry that we can easily get the wool pulled over our eyes. Often, an ISP will quote a 'typical' connection speed for their connection. The critical factor in connection speed is the local/international bandwidth ratio. The 56 kbps connection quoted is only typical from the ISP to their local Gateway. The true factor affecting speed is the international ratio.

This may not be so important for the home user, since most ISP ratios are pretty much equal (their connection speeds to the international backbones lead to a speed of 3 kbps per user), but this is critical for dedicated or leased-line connections of a greater bandwidth. If you really want a fast connection, users should ensure that they ask for a 1:1 or 2:1 ratio instead of a standard 4:1 or 8:1. You will pay accordingly, so be aware of what you are purchasing.

How to Choose

As new Internet access options open up for consumers in Indonesia, we will gain experience in the advantages and disadvantages of one Internet access method vs. another. As we've seen happen time and time again, as a new access service becomes popular and lots of people switch over, then the initial success appears to back-fire with reducing connection speeds for the ever increasing numbers of users utilizing a fixed bandwidth.

What to do?

As always, remember - buyer beware! When a service provider starts saying things like “You'll never have a connection problem again.”, “o more connection/download headaches” - think again. The Expat Forum on this site abounds with stories of customers' headaches from almost all of these Internet connection methods.

Also, if you see a drastic change in your service, it could be that there are problems somewhere in the network. If Indosat is having problems with their backbone, then almost everyone is having problems since most of the ISPs rent bandwidth from Indosat.

Since no one enjoys the World-Wide-Wait - we all welcome the services being made available to improve our connections to the Internet in Indonesia. The ISPs certainly are striving hard to improve their service options to their valuable expat and Indonesian customers.

Another expat's experience with high speed connection with Telkomsel's Speedy Game connection:

Hi, I am an expat who came to Indonesia from Singapore over a year ago, and after a lot of investigation, figured to go with Telkomsel's Speedy Game connection (1mbps) a couple of months back - seems that is the single largest mistake I have made in my life after coming to Jakarta. I use the internet at home infrequently (around 30min a day) but generally download or stream fairly heavily while using the internet from home. Initially the connection worked fine and I was getting around 100kbps download speed, till a couple of weeks back when connection speed dropped to less than 150kbps, and finally for the past few days to less than 100kbps, 10% of what I pay for!. Numerous calls to the customer support 147 have been fruitless. The support guys are the most useless I have probably interacted with - they are very polite, but they don't mean a thing of what they say. They never take ANY action nor ever revert back. One thing that they do a lot however, is lying to the customer. And I have caught them lying quite often. Petty things like - we called you so many times today/this afternoon (when I never got a single call), our technician came to check at your house (when my building security confirmed no one had come), it's a mass area failure (like an apocalypse) but will be resolved once you have complained (WHAT!) ...and more. Well I am still stuck with this internet problem provider (maybe that's what I should call them instead of ISP), so would advise one to check their options. I have heard First Media is far superior (but it's cable based, so I expect it to be better anyway).

Another expat's experience - September 2015

"I have been in Indonesia for 22 years and have had numerous experiences with Internet Service Providers. Indonet, Speedy, CBN, SuperNet and now First Media/LinkNet. In general, they all are delinquent for the services they provide versus the promises they make. My latest battle is with First Media. I moved into a new house in South Jakarta about 1 1/2 years ago. I checked with various ISPs and found the offer from First Media attractive because of the connection (cable), and Internet Speed offered in combination with a fairly decent TV package. "

"In particular, the Internet Services provided are a major disappointment. We have had several service people come to our house to try to fix things. Recently FirstMedia introduced their FastNet upgrade which I happily applied for because for the Internet the faster the better applies. They came to my house and changed the cable modem which now included a wireless router - which rendered my own, expensive, router PLUS repeater useless). A couple of days later I noticed that our CCTV system was no longer accessible remotely and I requested our CCTV contractor to check it out. As it turns out the change of the cable modem/router also caused the access port for the CCTV system to be closed, i.e., no more remote access to my CCTV system. When I called/emailed First Media to open the relevant port they informed me that this could not be done as they no longer support CCTV remote access. As I write this I am working from home and again my Internet access is VERY slow. I have written to First Media with the results of a Ping Test and a Speed Test. The ping tests rates the connection as a "D" which it callsl "Concerning. Most online applciations will not perform well but should function in some capacity. Test to other servers to confirm." The Ping Test looks for the fastest connection which happened to be a server in MANILA some 1,750 miles away! Opening the First Media FastNet page took between 2-3 MINUTES." A frustrated Internet user

List of Internet Service Providers

Fibre Optics

Cable Internet
WISP (WiMax/Long range Wi-Fi/etc.)
CDMA Network (EV-DO Rev. A/Rev. B)

For an introspective piece on how the Internet has changed our lives as expats, read A 'Home away from Home': Expatriates and the Internet

This article is complemented by the great advice given by visitors to the Expat Forum in response to questions posted on this site and the expert advice of a few web-savvy folks who stepped forward and were willing to preview and give comments on the article. Thanks for your input - it is always appreciated!

If you have other advice you'd like to share regarding your internet access experiences, please send that info to the webmaster and we'll incorporate it into this article. Thanks!